Chapter 11:

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I paused and thought for a little. Do I love him? I mean I've only known him for a little bit but my heart speeds everytime I'm near him, and my cheeks heat up. Maybe I do have feelings for him, I mean he's really sweet. But wouldn't I get bullied more..?

Secret Soulmate 💜:

Me: I um idk...I've never been in love before..

Secret Soulmate 💜: I can teach you

Secret Soulmate 💜: Get some sleep cupcake, it's getting late

Me: Okay night

I blushed and had a soft smile on my face. Maybe I do love him..

In the morning I got up and ready for my doctor appointment. When I was finished I heard someone nock on the door.

"I'll get it!" My mom shouted. "Y/N there's a boy here for you!"

"What!?" I blushed and ran to the door. "Jimin!? I thought I told you I was going to an appointment today?" I questioned a little confused.

"Oh right." He blushed I guess from embarrassment.

"Actually, Jimin honey could you take her? I was called into work and I won't be able to drive you sweetie." My mom said and he smiled.

"Of course ma'am." He bowed and she saw the tattoo on my wrist.

"Have fun with your soulmate." My mom smiled and I blushed. We walked out of the house and he grabbed my hand.

"I can drive us." He smiled and interwind our fingers. I nodded and got into his car which might I add looked awesome. I love sport cars.

Time Skip

After the appointment I put my glasses on top my head and Jimin drove me home.

"Do you want to stay for lunch?" I asked as he walked in.

"Sure." He smiled back and I felt my heart melt. I should tell him. First I'll tell the girls.

I cooked Jimin some f/f and we ate. He kept flirting with me per usual. I couldn't help but laugh. After eating we just spent the rest of the day watching movies. I had my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around me. I felt safe.

Time Skip

Once Jimin left I called my friends.

Sakura- Y/N hey!

Me- Hey

Misun- How was the appointment?

Me: it's was good, Jimin drove me.

Sakura- so that explains why he wasn't at school.

Me: mhm, guys I got some news.

Moon- what's up?

Me- I think I like Jimin

Sakura- aaahhh my ship!!!

Me- okay ow ear woman!

Moon- So what're you gonna do?

Me- I don't know. What should I do?

Misun- You should tell him. We'll set everything up don't worry so on Saturday you'll tell him.

Me- deal

Moon- gotta go bye Y/N!

Me- bye!

I ended the call and got ready for bed. I was definitely nervous I hope it goes well.

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