Chapter 1:

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Once it was finally lunch time, we sat down together and began to plot what we're going to do.

"How about you just stay over tonight, that way in the morning we get to see your tattoo first?" Misun asked and took a bite out of her sandwich.

"I could see." I shrugged. I went to take a bite but then I felt something cold and wet fall onto my head. My friends froze and I looked behind me.

"Woops," Mini said with a evil smirk. She dumped her fucking smoothie on my head.

"Heres some water to clean that off." Dallia smirked and threw her water on me. I felt tears in my eyes as everyone had their eyes on me.

The two laughed and walked away. I looked back at my friends and grabbed my backpack before anyone could say anything. I rushed out of the cafeteria with tears streaming down my face.

As I was speed walking to the bathroom to wash this shit off me I ran into someone. I fell down and looked up to see Jimin and his group of friends. His dark iris' looked into mine and he looked...worried?

"Are you alright?" He asked as he went to help me up.

I pushed his hand away and got up. I forced myself past them and rushed to the bathroom. I locked the door and cried as I cleaned the smoothie off me. I took my jacket off and cleaned as much smoothie as I could off it and put it in my back pack. I left my hair down and the bell rang for next period.

I went to the office and told them what happened. They said they'll talk to them and I can go home early. They called my parents and I went to my friends.

"Y/N are you okay!?" Sakura said and hugged me tightly. I cried into her chest.

"Come on, we'll take you to Sakura's house and we'll just begin the sleepover." Moon said and rubbed my back.

"Why do they hate me?" I mumbled and sobbed.

"I don't know hun. Let's just go." Misun said and we walked out together.

I texted my mom and we walked to Sakura's house. Once we got there I changed into one of her loose shirts and a pair of shorts. I took a shower and tied my hair up. I took my glasses off and sat next to Sakura on her bed.

Misun and Moon were cuddling on the couch that was in her room. After watching a movie we all fell asleep.

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