Chapter 13:

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At school I walked out of class, Jimin had detention because he argued with a teacher. I walked to my locker and Jimin was there.

"Hey babe, I don't have a lot of time before detention starts." He pouted as he slung his arm over my shoulders.

"Well that's why you don't argue with teachers." I chuckled which only made him pout more. I grabbed my things out of my locker and stood on my toes to give him a quick peck. "Have fun."

"Not without you there." He smiled and waved before running off. As soon as he was gone I was immediately slammed against my locker, making me drop my bag.

"Ugh!" I groaned and looked up at who it was. Surprise! It's Mini! *Note sarcasm*

"Listen here runt!" She spoke angrily. "Jimin is my man, it doesn't matter if he's your stupid soulmate. Jimin loves me!" She growled as she kneeled me in my side. I groaned and fell to the floor. She picked me by my hair and pulled me up so I'm eye level with her. I was terrified and tears glazed over my eyes. "Now be a good little slut and stay off my man." She whispered harshly and slapped me hard. I weakly pushed her away and ran back to my house after grabbing my bag.

I let the tears fall as I rushed to my room and slid down the door. I held my knees close to my chest and sobbed lightly. She's never put her hands on me, ever. I got a call from Sakura but chose to ignore it. I just sat there, sobbing. Once I calmed down I look a quick shower and set my glasses on my dresser. I didn't eat that night either, my stomach ached too much.

I looked in the mirror at the bruise that was forming on my cheek and then the bruise that has pretty much already formed on my stomach. I got several text messages from Jimin and a few missed calls but chose to ignore it.

I grabbed an ice pack from the kitchen, well two packs, and walked but to my room, avoiding mom as much as possible. I watched a movie as I had the ice packs lay on my bruises. After a while I finally passed out.

I woke up the next day and used makeup to cover the bruise on my cheek. I quickly walked to school and at the entrance were my nine best friends and my boyfriend. I gathered the courage to walk up to them and did a small smile since anything bigger would make my cheek hurt like hell.

"Y/N what happened yesterday? You didn't answer any of our calls, I got super worried!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Sorry, my cousins were over." I chuckled and Jimin hugged me.

"Well I'm glad your okay." He smiled and gently kissed my cheek which made me wince a little. "Are you okay..?" He noticed the wince.

"U-uhm yeah." I fake smiled but it ended up hurting my cheek. I groaned a little and Sakura used a wet cloth to wipe my cheek.

"Y/N what the hell!?" Sakura exclaimed, I could tell she was angry. "Y/N who did this?" I stayed silent.. "Was it Mini?" My silence only showed that it was. She growled and stomped off, "when I get my hands on her-"

"Sakura-" I was cut off by her.

"I'm gonna put that bitch in her place!"

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