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Dirty Jokes and making out🤪
A lot of time skips too cause I'm a lazy ass

Dis do be wholesome do so🤍


I look at the time on my phone it reads 12:00, today I wanted to surprise Y/N with a puppy and I wanted to film it. She was getting groceries so I would have a couple of hours. I grab my camera and it record.
Nick: "Hey guys this video is gonna be a little different, I have made the executive decision to get Y/N a puppy because...why not." I laugh and grab the camera along with my phone and keys heading outside.
Nick: "Okay so I'm gonna go to the Animal Rescue Place and I'll see you guys when I get there cause I gotta drive and I'm responsible so."
I wave at the camera and stop recording as I put the keys into my car driving to my destination.
*15 minutes later*

I pull up to the Animal Rescue and see there's not a lot of people here which made me happy, so I didn't seem like a weirdo talking to a camera. I grab it and push record placing it on the dashboard.

Nick: "And we're here." I awkwardly scratch my neck and smile.
Nick: "Oh my god what is she gonna do? You think she'll like it? She's been wanting a (favorite dog) for forever so I'm gonna try to find one here... okay let's go."
I grab the camera putting it to my side in case I'm not allowed to film and walk in being greeted by multiple barks, high pitched and low.
An employee greets me and I tell them I'm just looking, I lift the camera seeing them walk away.
Nick: "Oh my god guys." I laugh and show all the dogs, they were all good weights and very healthy.
Nick: "Aw I can't wait guys, she's gonna be so happy. OH MY GOD!" I scream whisper as I see her favorite dog. A pretty (choose dog) with a sleek (choose color) coat.

I show the dog on camera and I put it to my side asking one of the employees for help.

*30 minutes later*
I walk to my car and as I'm walking out I show the camera the cute little puppy in my hands.
Nick: "He's so cute look at him! Oh my goodness henlooo." The baby talk already got to me as the little guy kept licking my face happily, I decide to leave the camera on my dashboard to film the puppy as I drive.

I start the car and the puppy crawls into my lap, trying to lick my face and playfully bite my nose.
Nick: "Your so cute." I look down at him and he yips at me, still not being able to bark like a fully grown dog.
Nick: "Wanna go home? You gotta mom who's gonna be taking care of you, meanwhile imma go get milk."
I laugh at the joke that slipped out of my mouth and patted the dogs head.
Nick: "We need a name for you little guy, yessss your so precious, yes henlo, gimme kith."
  Jeez this baby talk...what would happen if we had a actual kid...(Bruh I don't even want kids but like if Sapnap was like "yo, me you kid" I'd be like "fuck yea" 😂)

I get to the house and right when I do I get a text from Y/N saying she's on her way home. Really good timing.
I get off the car grabbing the puppy, his leash, and food going to hide them in the kitchen sos he doesn't see them. I open the back door and let the puppy run around to use the bathroom for a bit before going upstairs into our bedroom, turning on the tv, taking my shirt off and letting the puppy lay on my chest.
  This was gonna be fun. ;)


I had finally finished getting groceries, and was now headed home to Nick. Recently he had been acting a little weird, very cheerful but also secretive. I went out to the grocery store to think by myself, I'm gonna ask him about it when I get home and stuff. Make sure my babyboy is okay.

I pull up to our house, getting out and bringing in the few grocery bags I had and setting them on the island in the kitchen.

Y/N: "Nickkkyyy!" I call out and don't hear him so I go up to our bedroom and open the door.

There I see Nick shirtless on the bed wearing sweatpants with a little (choose dog) on his chest and my mouth dropped.

Nick: "Hey beautiful." He grins widely at me and I scream.
  Y/N: "OH MY FUCK!!"
I run up to him and the puppy and it automatically crawls over to me licking my face and neck.
  Y/N: "When? What? How? Why? Awww he's so cute." The puppy starts playfully biting my hair and we both laugh.
Nick: "When? Today, what? I got it for you obviously, how? We live like 15 minutes away from an animal rescue, and why? Well because I'm preparing us for when we get a kid duh." The last sentence left me a deep red color and he winks at me.

I move the puppy off my lap and crawl over to Nick, straddling his waist and giving him a long kiss. He moves his hands down to my hips and pulls me closer to him, playing with the hem of my t-shirt I grab his hand and move it away.

  Y/N: "Nick we have a kid now." I grin at him and he pouts.
Nick: "I guess...so am I Daddy now?" He smirks and I give it back.
  Y/N: "You've always been Daddy." I see him bite his lip at my sentence and I laugh the puppy crawling over Nicks bare chest.
Seeing him play with the puppy really made my stomach go 🕺🏽🤸🏽‍♀️🏊🏽 (wtf?)

Nick: "Whos cuter me or the puppy?" He smiles and holds the puppy next to his face and I laugh.
  Y/N: "Aw I don't know, your both so handsomeeee." He sticks his tongue out and me and gives the puppy a kiss on its head.
Nick: "We need a name." He looks over at me and I have the perfect one.
  Y/N: "(choose name)!" I say excitedly and the puppy yapps ate me.
Nick: "I love it, it's cute." He puts his hand on my thigh and I slap it away.
  Y/N: "Nick our childddddd."
He rolls his eyes and we decide to put on a movie since it was getting late.

*2 hours later*

We had showered and the puppy was asleep by our feet, we were watching Brothers and I suddenly feel a hand by my v-line.
I look at Nick and he looks at me innocently placing a kiss on my nose. I feel my shorts and underwear get taken off, he tosses them into the corner of the room and my breathe hitch's in my throat.
Y/N: "Nick really?" As I say that I feel a finger get pressed roughly into me and I moan out slightly.
  Nick: "Come on Y/N be a good girl for daddy hm?" I feel him move his middle finger around on me, as he presses another one in.

This was gonna be a long night.

Aha get cut off🕺🏽
1300 words :3
aNyOnE eLsE gAy

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