Jean's Birthday

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Diluc had always known how to play with fire.

Considering his vision was as blazing as his heart, it was never really seen through perfectly because of his calm exterior. The lone wanderer scavenged supplies near the Andrius' terrains of Wolvendom. Being a winery master and having a wide array of networks didn't mean he could simply slack off and let his workers take all the glory. He despised static movement more so than a certain individual he couldn't get along with.

Settling against the trunk of a Sunsettia tree, he gazed at the stars tiredly and counted them one by one. The constellations would show, even if they were invisible to him. A man can dream. After exploring the seven nations of the world, uncovering dark truths no man or child should ever go through, Diluc wanted to leave the past behind but there was no doubt he didn't deny it.

Now he hoped that this time of relaxation will lead to some daydreaming sanctuary. Unfortunately, a band of hilichurls accompanied with bows and clubs growled menacingly at the sleeping anti-hero. The bone at the front of their throats like semi-sized pebbles bobbing up and down at him. Their heads shook in an erratic manner as they crept closer.

"At least they're not slimes..." Why on the adepti's good green world would he go out of his way to hunt for small lamp grass for a woman he didn't see frequently? Did he grow exhausted of the winery's operations? To an extent, he did. Ironically, the man wasn't fond of liquor and introduced apple cider as a non-alcoholic beverage on the menu.

So much for a winery master.

"Come already, weaklings of the Fatui." He was suddenly itching for a spar to loosen his joints from all the stress recently. A little pyro aerodynamics wouldn't hurt.

The hilichurl at the front obliged by dashing maniacally at him with no proper strategy. The rest soon followed, scattering and letting loose with all the firepower they harbored in their swings. Diluc scoffed at their amateurish display of offense. Releasing a sigh, he ducked right under the first hilichurl's empty thrust. Extending a leg, Diluc swept the creature of its feet and summoned his all-too mighty claymore at its head, perfectly cutting the monster in eternal symmetry. All that was left were the cinders that floated in the sky.

The other three companions the hilichurl were with grew angered at the sight of their fallen comrade. They repeatedly kept swinging left and right, allowing Diluc to maneuver quite easily through the club crossfire of misses. He didn't even need to use his Vision for this battle. All he needed were timely hits and basic footwork.

This ultimately reminded him of his days back when he was a knight of Favonius. Back when his father was still up and kicking, telling him he was proud of his son. Suffering a little flashback in the heat of battle wasn't like Diluc but at the end of the day he was still human.

An arrow from a hilichurl's bow almost pierced through him. Diluc with the accuracy of a hawk, sliced through the hardwood and steel tip of that projectile, cut up into two as its range of motion died swiftly upon a fiery slash. He couldn't get enough rest, could he?

Using a meager amount of his power wouldn't hurt now. Channeling a swirling aura of fire from his shoulders to his fingertips, he conjured up a falcon-like embodiment of grace and destruction as he sent it flying to the band of hilichurls, powerfully causing an explosion of havoc and triumph.

Just like the first hilichurl, the rest also dissipated into nothingness. Diluc scoured the area for any more suspicious activity. Silence was as deadly as it is safe. He couldn't let his guard down at anything. The guy was probably more awake than the adeptis themselves when it comes to surveillance.

After minutes of walking around and examining the area, he concluded that he could take a quick break in Mondstadt temporarily. A woman's day of celebration called for his presence. Not that he was forced to go. It was close to Dawn Winery. That's the reason why he can fit it in his hectic schedule.

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