Chapter 2: 2020

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Ok, quick author note: A lot of the people reading this book don't like who I cast Ethan as, and honestly I hear you; I'm not too fond of my casting either. So I decided to recast Ethan with Alex Lange, who I honestly see better-suited for the role. 

Ash's POV* 

The bell rang as the second last class of the day let out. I walked out of my classroom, walking down the hall as I stuck close to the wall. I walked down the hall as I walked up to my locker right when Julie, my best friend, did.

"Hey, Ash." Julie greeted me as I looked at her.

"Hey, Jules." I greeted back as I opened my locker to get the notebooks I need to take home since I'm not planning on coming back to my locker after music class.

"Hey, underachiever. Hey, speed fingers." Flynn, my other best friend, said as she walked up to mine and Julie's lockers; speed fingers is her nickname for me because apparently when I play my guitar, my fingers move at like lightning speed or something.

"Hey, disappointment." Julie and I responded at the same time.

"I know you two aren't twins, but you need to stop with the whole...saying the same thing at the same time...thing. It's creepy." Flynn then said to me and Julie as we both let out a laugh. "Anyway...ok, I know you don't want me to ask, but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?" Flynn then asked Julie, referring to the music program.

After Julie's mom died, Julie hasn't sung or played a note because everything music-related reminds Julie of her mom; she hasn't sung in over a year and today is her last chance or else she'll be kicked out of the music program.

"I'll know in the moment. Besides, Ash said she'd play with me." Julie told Flynn as I nodded.

"Really, Jules? That's all you're giving me? Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance." Flynn then told Julie.

"I know. I was there." Julie responded as I grabbed my music binder, pulling it out of my locker.

"See you at the rally!" I then heard a familiar voice exclaim as I shut my locker. The three of us looked over, seeing Carrie passing out flyers for the Spirit Rally tomorrow.

"Ugh! What is she handing out?" Flynn questioned, looking at me and Julie again.

"Desperation." Julie answered as Nick, Carrie's boyfriend, walked up to her with Ethan right behind him. 

Carrie then walked over to the three of us, handing me a flyer

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Carrie then walked over to the three of us, handing me a flyer. "Here you go. My group's performing at the Spirit Rally tomorrow." Carrie said to me, a fake smile on her face as she then handed a flyer to both Julie and Flynn. "I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." Carrie then said as she looked at me. "You know, Ash...once a Dirty Candy, always a Dirty Candy." she then said to me as I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, and this Dirty Candy quit like two months ago." I countered as she rolled her eyes before walking away.

"I can't believe you used to dance with her." Flynn then said as I looked at her.

"Yea, me neither." I responded as I looked over, seeing Nick and Ethan looking at Julie and me.

"Nick? Ethan?" I heard Flynn question as Julie and I both looked at her. "Julie, you know Nick and Carrie are gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies. And Ethan? He's one of the most popular boys in your grade." Flynn then pointed out to the two of us.

"But Nick's - Ethan's a sweetheart." Julie and I said at the same time, looking back at Flynn.

"You'd actually have to talk to them to know that." Flynn pointed out to the two of us. "Besides...only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby." Flynn then pointed out as she looked back at Carrie. "Demon!" Flynn then exclaimed to Carrie as she looked at us; the three of us looked away before we started laughing.

"And Julie Molina smiles for the first time in forever." I then joked as Julie looked at me and Flynn, smiling.

"Now, let's go prove everyone wrong." Flynn told Julie as she nodded, shutting her locker.


Flynn, Julie, and I sat in the music room while Nick is upfront, doing an easy electric guitar riff...well, to me it's easy; once Nick was done, everyone started clapping, impressed. "Nice job, Nick." Mrs. Harrison said to him as he let his guitar hang on his guitar strap at his hip. "Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale." she added as everyone in the class chuckled.

"He's pretty good." Flynn whispered to me as I looked at her. "But not as good as you, though." she added as I chuckled silently.

"Damn straight." I whispered back.

"Ok, we have one last performance." Mrs. Harrison then announced as Flynn and I both looked at Julie. "Julie?" she then asked as Julie looked up at her.

"Come on." I whispered to Julie as the two of us stood up. Julie walked over to the piano while I walked over to my guitar case along the sidewall since I brought it to school today. I opened the case, grabbing my teal guitar as I put the guitar strap on which is already connected to my actual guitar.

 I opened the case, grabbing my teal guitar as I put the guitar strap on which is already connected to my actual guitar

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I plugged my electric guitar into the speaker as Julie sat down at the piano bench, placing her hands on the keys. Mrs. Harrison stood in front of the piano, looking at the two of us as I stood next to Julie, putting my music on a music stand for me. Julie looked at me as I gave her a small nod, my fingers hovering over the strings, ready to start when she does.

"Take your time." Mrs. Harrison then said to Julie softly as Julie took a deep breath, her fingers still hovering over the keys; I was about to start when Julie took her hands off the keys.

"Julie?" I asked as she stood up, looking at Mrs. Harrison.

"I'm sorry." Julie said to her as I unplugged my guitar from the speaker.

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie then asked as Flynn and I both glared at her; Mrs. Harrison shot Carrie a look as Julie ran out of the music room.

"Put a sock in it, Carrie." I told her, swinging my guitar onto my back as Flynn and I ran out after Julie.

Ok, there's chapter 2 and I will be posting chapter 3 sometime October 21; I hope you liked it, so please comment and vote!

StarWarrior...signing off!  

The Lead Guitarist //Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now