Chapter 3: Studio

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Ash's POV*

Julie and I were in the kitchen, doing homework at the kitchen table when I heard footsteps on the stairs; I looked over, seeing Ray, Julie's dad, walk downstairs. "Oh good. You two are home." Ray said, walking up to the two of us as I closed my math notebook. "I was about to go to Carlos' game; I've had photoshoots all day. Didn't even get a chance to eat. But...I got a phone call today." He continued as Julie sighed.

"Yea, I figured as much." Julie responded, taking off her glasses as Ray sat down across from the two of us.

"Well, it was my Realtor friend." Ray started to us as Julie perked up; Julie wanted to sell the house, but me and Carlos really didn't want to. "And she says if we are serious about selling the house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff. And maybe you two can...tackle Mom's studio?" Ray then asked Julie and me as we both looked at him again. "You two are the experts. You know, Carlos and I wouldn't even know where to begin. That, ok, honey. If you're not ready, I..." Ray then said as Julie and I both cut him off.

"No." Julie and I both said, looking at him.

"It's all right." Julie then said to her dad.

"Julie and I will try tonight." I continued on as Julie nodded.

"Yea?" Ray asked as we both nodded. "Awesome, mijas. Thank you. Oh, and don't forget the loft. You know, those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home." Ray then pointed out as I nodded.

"Mom would like that." Julie said as Ray stood up.

"Yea, she would." Ray responded as he checked his watch on his wrist. "Oh, God. I'm gonna be late." Ray then said with a groan as he looked around, probably for his keys.

"Under the mail." Julie and I both answered at the same time as Ray looked there, seeing his keys.

"You two are lifesavers." Ray told me, grabbing his keys. "And stop doing's creepy." Ray added as he walked out the door. Julie and I looked at each other before laughing again.


That Night

Julie and I walked down the pathway to the studio as the windchimes chimed

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Julie and I walked down the pathway to the studio as the windchimes chimed. I opened the studio doors as I walked inside, turning on the lights. I looked at Julie as she sighed, also walking in and walking over to the piano, which was covered by a white cloth. She let out a shaky exhale, putting her hands on top of the piano lid. I glanced over, seeing my two guitars mounted on the wall next to the couch as I walked up to Julie, standing next to her. I then walked around the piano, seeing sheet music sitting on the piano seat.

"Hey, Julie." I said, picking up the sheet music and handing it to her. She then took the music from me, placing it down on the piano before sitting down on the bench; she exhaled before looking up.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. That I haven't been here. I know that Ash has been keeping you company, and I hope you like her guitar music..." Julie started as I looked at the loft, thinking I saw another guitar up there. Walking away from Julie to give her some time to talk to her mom, I walked over to the ladder going up to the loft.

I climbed up the ladder, looking around the loft as I saw an electric keyboard, two electric guitars, a pair of drumsticks, a few beanbag chairs, and some bags of old clothing; I was about to climb back down the ladder when something caught my eye. Lying on the ground near the drumsticks was a CD for a band called Sunset Curve. Interested, I grabbed the CD before climbing back down the ladder.

"Jules, check out what I found." I called out to her as she looked at me, standing up.

"What did you find?" she asked, walking over to me.

"A CD and it looks pretty old." I told her as I walked over to the CD player, putting the Sunset Curve CD in the CD player, playing it; the music started as Julie and I sat down on the couch. A rock guitar riff started playing as I looked at Julie.

"One, two three!" someone shouted on the CD as Julie then looked at me. The band started to sing a pretty good song as I started tapping my foot to the beat.

"Seems like you like it." Julie said to me as I shrugged.

"Rock music is my weakness." I told her, shrugging as I started to hear screaming. Confused, I looked at Julie as the screaming just got louder. "Is that screaming supposed to be there?" I asked Julie as we both covered our ears since the screaming got a lot louder.

"I don't know!" she shouted over the screaming; suddenly, there was a bright flash as three boys appeared out of nowhere, falling to the ground. Julie and I shot up, confused and scared as we looked at the three boys; the music stopped playing as the boys groaned from the floor. The boy in a pink sweatshirt coughed, gasping for air as the three boys stood up, their backs to me and Julie.

Ok, there's chapter 3! Please comment and vote! 

The Lead Guitarist //Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now