Chapter 13: They're Ghosts

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Ash's POV*

After school, Julie and I walked through the front door, immediately putting down our backpacks as we saw Ray stressing out at the kitchen counter with all these different kinds of papers and pamphlets in front of him. "Dad!" Julie exclaimed as she ran up behind him, hugging him.

"Good. You're both home." Ray said as Julie and I looked at all the papers on the counter.

"What's all this?" Julie then asked her dad.

"Ah, just, you know, some stuff on other schools with music programs and...and some private lessons stuff." Ray started as I picked up a pamphlet for a school that's on the other side of town. "I know it looks like a mess, but your dad's got this." he continued as I looked at Julie who was looking at her dad.

"Well, luckily for you, I got back in at my school." Julie said to him as he looked at her, shocked.

"Wait. Wait, what? You're not joking me now?" he asked her, shocked as he stood up.

"I went down, Ash and I put on a show with some ghost..." Julie started as I elbowed her side, "...getters, go-getters, and Principal Lessa let me back in." Julie continued, catching her mistake as Ray looked at the two of us before shouting yes, throwing the stack of papers and pamphlets in his hands into the air, the papers scattering all over the floor.

"Yes! Yes! Oh! You're awesome. I am so happy for you. You are the best!" Ray exclaimed as he hugged Julie. I then looked down, seeing all the papers and pamphlets for different music schools just laying on the ground. The three of us started picking up the papers Ray previously dropped and I picked one up for a music school in Australia.

"The Australian School of Music?" I questioned, reading the pamphlet as Julie and I looked at her dad. "That's like...half-way around the world." I continued as Ray looked at us.

"I...I was gonna bring you two home for Christmas." Ray told us, shrugging as I raised an eyebrow at him. "What? I can't separate the two of you." he added as Julie let out a laugh, me handing him the pamphlet; the two of us then headed for the stairs. "Hey, you both rock." Ray then told us as Julie and I walked upstairs. 

"I forgot my backpack." I then said, stopping as Julie also stopped. 

"Yep. So did I." Julie also said as we walked back downstairs, grabbing our backpacks, only to walk back upstairs again. 

"So...can you believe your dad was prepared to send us both to Australia?" I asked Julie as she looked at me. "I mean...that's such a long way away. I doubt I could be away from my friends for that long." I continued as we both walked into my room to do homework together. 

"Well, you better be prepared because college is coming up soon." Julie told me as the two of us laid down on my bed, our backpacks now discarded on the floor. 

"Ugh, don't remind me." I told her, groaning as I leaned against my headboard. 

"So where are you thinking about looking at?" Julie then asked me as I pulled out my laptop from my backpack. 

"I honestly don't know. I'm thinking about the University of Michigan or Miami University." I answered, shrugging as I logged into my laptop, going to my Schoology page. 

"Michigan? Miami? Those are both so far away. Like...almost all the way across the country." Julie then pointed out as I looked at her. 

"Hey, don't worry about the distance, Jules. We'll facetime every night." I told her, sending her a comforting smile as I started hearing guitar music coming from the studio again. Julie and I both groaned, knowing the boys are playing music again as the two of us stood up, walking out of my room. 

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