Chapter 28: Reggie

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Ash's POV* 

I groaned in frustration as I continued to annotate my book for lit class. I mean, who likes annotating? Literally no one! I mean...60 pages due in one night plus all your other homework?! I swear lit teachers think they're the only ones who give out homework. 

I flipped the page in my book, annotating it as I heard a poof; I looked up, seeing Reggie with his hands in his pockets, just looking at me. "Oh...hi, Reggie." I said to him as I closed my lit book. I grabbed my pencils, pens, and highlighters, tossing everything onto my hanging egg chair as he just looked at me, not like his normal self and I probably know why.

"What happened?" Reggie asked me as I looked up at him again. "During the song. What happened? Up until the end, you weren't singing with me like you usually do and it looked like you were ignoring me." Reggie then said to me as I just sighed; I decided I wasn't going to beat around the bush. He deserves to know the truth. 

"That's because I was, Reggie." I told him as he looked at me, confused.

"What? Why? Did I do something?" he asked as he walked over to me.

"You didn't do anything, Reggie. It''s Flynn." I told Reggie as he looked at me, still confused.

"Flynn? What does she have to do with anything?" Reggie asked me as he sat on my bed in front of me.

Because she..." I started as I looked away from him, "...she told me to avoid you during the show." I answered as I looked down.

"Because of Ethan?" Reggie asked me as I looked back up at him.

"Because of you." I told him as he looked confused again.

"Me? What do you mean because of me?" Reggie then questioned as I sighed.

"Why do you think I wanted to avoid you during the song, Reg?" I then asked him as he shook his head. "Because I..." I started before stopping, looking away from him.

"Because why?" Reggie then asked me as I looked back at him.

"I know I'm still alive and you're a ghost, but...that's...that's not stopping me from falling for you." I then told him quietly as I looked at his face, seeing him looking at me, shocked.

"Ash..." Reggie started and right then and there, I decided that I need to get this off my chest right now.

"Reggie, I...every time I look at you, it's like my heart skips a beat and whenever we sing together or just are together, it's like my heart just stops. I'm falling for you, Reggie, and I can't stop. I mean, when I first saw you that night in the garage, I never would have even imagined it would turn into this. Then we became friends, and right now, all I want is to be more than friends, but I know it's just not possible." I then told him as he looked at me; to be honest, I was expecting him to just poof away or laugh, thinking this was a joke or something, but he didn't do anything. "Reggie, please say something." I then begged him, but instead of saying anything, Reggie tried to cup my face, hoping he could touch me for even a second like we could during the show, but his hands just went through me. "Reggie?" I asked, confused as he smiled softly at me.

"If I could kiss you right now, I would." Reggie told me, smiling as I let out a laugh, smiling back at him. "I'm really glad you feel that way because I do too. I really like you, Ash. A lot. We're friends, yes, but I want more than that. You have no idea how much I love you, Ashley." Reggie then said to me, smiling as I smiled back. 

"I love you more than all the stars in the universe." I told him, moving my hands up to his; even though we can't touch, I hovered my hands over his, but he got the point. The two of us were just smiling at each other, in a trance in each other's eyes as there was a knock on my bedroom door; Reggie and I snapped out of it, both of us dropping our hands as I looked at my closed bedroom door. 

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