Chapter 9: Ghosts in The Bedroom

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Ash's POV*

School ended pretty quickly and sooner or later, Julie and I got home; I headed up to my room while Julie stayed downstairs to do some homework. My backpack on my back, I walked into my room to see Reggie sitting on my bed, looking through a scrapbook I had. "Reggie?" I questioned, putting my backpack on my hanging egg chair as he looked up at me.

"Oh, hey, Ash." Reggie greeted as he went back to looking at the scrapbook.

"How'd you get my scrapbook from the shelf? I thought you couldn't touch anything?" I asked Reggie, confused as he looked at me once again.

"It was on your bed. It took a lot of energy to open it." he told me as I walked over to him, sitting on my bed next to him. "Are these your parents?" Reggie then asked me, pointing to a picture of my mom and dad in their army uniforms taken a day before they went to Afghanistan...the trip they never returned from.

"Yea. That's the last picture I had of them before know." I told him as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Oh, right...I'm sorry, Ash." Reggie then apologized as I looked at him before laughing a bit.

"It's fine, Reg. I mean, they were killed four years ago; I have to get over it some time." I then told to him, shrugging as I picked up the scrapbook, closing it.

"Are your parents why you play the guitar?" Reggie then asked me as I stood up, putting the scrapbook back on a shelf.

"My mom was in a few bands when she was my age and in college. She was a lead guitarist and taught me everything I know." I answered as I walked back over to Reggie. "Where's Luke and Alex?" I then asked him as he stood up.

"I think they went into Julie's room." he told me, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Julie hates it when people go into her room." I said as I walked towards my bedroom door, Reggie following me; Reggie and I walked out of my room.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard Carlos ask me as I looked over, seeing Carlos standing by my doorframe.

"I was just talking to myself. It's actually healthy for you." I told him, shrugging.

"You're weird." Carlos then told me as I rolled my eyes.

"So are you." I shot back as Reggie and I walked to Julie's room, whose door is right next to mine; we walked inside, seeing Alex standing by Julie's desk and Luke by the window. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked the two boys as Reggie laid down on Julie's bed, moving his arms like you would do to make a snow angel.

"Uhh..." Luke started as the bedroom door opened, Julie walking in.

"What are you doing in my room?" Julie questioned the boys as they all looked at her.

"Uh..." Reggie then started as he looked at me.

"Um..." Alex then said, high-pitched as he looked at Luke.

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke then answered, more like a question.

"This...this can't happen. It's creepy." Julie then started as she looked at Reggie. "Get off my bed, please." Julie then said to him as he quickly stood up, stumbling as his hand accidentally went through my arm.

"Sorry." Reggie said to me as I just shrugged it off.

"Hey, Julie." Luke then said, raising his hand before putting it down. "What's in the box?" he asked her, pointing to a decorated box on a shelf next to her bed.

"That's off-limits." Julie told him.

"Oh. Oh, ok." Luke responded, chuckling. "Girl stuff." he then said to his friends as I rolled my eyes and she crossed her arms.

The Lead Guitarist //Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now