Chapter 15: Easy Mac

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Ash's POV* 

It was around 5:00 on a Friday night as I walked downstairs to an empty house. Julie is spending the night at Flynn's because they're partners on some project they have due on Monday, Carlos is also spending the night at a friend's house, and Ray is out of town until tomorrow. Normally I would be with my friends at someone's Friday night party, but there's no way I can leave Alex, Luke, and Reggie unsupervised alone in this house; I know they're ghosts, but they're ghosts who can get into trouble. 

I walked into the kitchen, aiming to make some Easy Mac since the last time I tried to eat it, Luke mentioned how my tainted hotdog could be right around the corner. I walked into the pantry as I heard a poofing sound. "Hey, where is everyone?" I heard Alex ask as I grabbed the Easy Mac from the pantry shelf. 

"It's just me tonight." I told him as I walked back out of the pantry, seeing Alex, Luke, and Reggie all standing around the dining room table. "Julie's at Flynn's, Carlos is at a friend's, and Ray is out of town until tomorrow." I continued as I peeled the wrapper off the Easy Mac container. 

"If everyone's gone, why are you here? I didn't take you for a person who stays in on Friday nights." Luke pointed out as Alex and Reggie sat on the stools at the counter. 

"I'm not. Usually, at least. I need to make sure you three don't burn down the house." I responded to him as I walked over to the sink. 

"Burn down the house?" Alex questioned as I filled my Easy Mac container to the line with water. "You really think we'd burn down the house?" he then asked me as I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Do you not remember what Reggie did like three nights ago?" I asked him as I put the Easy Mac into the microwave for 3:30 minutes. 



"Ok, Carlos and I have to go to his baseball game, but your Tia left a Chicken Alfredo Lasagna in the fridge. the instructions are on the fridge." Ray told me and Julie as I looked at the fridge, seeing a piece of paper magneted to the fridge. 

"Yep. We got it." I told him as he gave me a nod. 

"Ok, we have to go or we'll be late. Love you girls." Ray then said to the two of us as Carlos walked out the front door. 

"Love you, too." Julie and I both responded as Ray followed Carlos out the front door. 

"And we now have the house to ourselves." I heard Reggie say as Julie and I both turned around to look at the three boys who are in the living room. Luke and Alex are sitting in chairs while Reggie is sitting on the couch. 

"And I have a lit essay due tomorrow." I then said as I walked over to the couch since my backpack is on the coffee table. 

"And when did you start it?" Julie asked me as I looked up at her. 

"Uh...I definitely did not start it yesterday." I told her as I sat down on the couch, crossing my legs under me. I grabbed my laptop, putting it on my lap, and opening it. 

"I've always hated writing essays." Reggie commented as I looked at him. 

"You never did them. You always took mine and changed my name to yours." Alex told Reggie as he just shrugged. 

"And I'm surprised Mr. Jones didn't notice. Reggie has been stealing Alex's essays since Freshman year." Luke then said as I looked at Reggie again, amused. 

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