Chapter 21: Rejected Apology

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Ash's POV* 

Julie and I headed down the pathway as I saw both of the studio doors open. I looked at Julie as the two of us walked inside, seeing Luke, Reggie, and Alex waiting for us. "We're sorry" Reggie sang from one side of Luke.

"So sorry" Alex then sang from the other side of Luke.

"We're super-duper, crazy, stupid" Luke then sang from in between Reggie and Alex, getting down on his knees.

"Sorry" all three boys then harmonized, doing jazz hands as Julie and I just looked at them.

"In case you missed it, we're really sorry." Reggie then apologized to the two of us as I put my hand on my hip.

"Yea. We...we got that part." I told Reggie, looking at him before looking at the three of them again.

"We've been here for, like, three hours." Alex then told me and Julie.

"Yup." Reggie backed up as he and Alex high-fived.

"We almost sang to your little brother." Luke then said to Julie as Reggie and Alex both nodded. 

"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom." Reggie continued on, motioning to the said bathroom.

"Yea. It's not our favorite part of the day." Alex added as Luke nodded.

"But, Julie, Ash, it wasn't ok that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you two down." Luke then said to me and Julie.

"Yea and none of us wanted to disappoint you two. You two are the best thing that's happened to us since we became ghosts." Alex said to me and Julie as Reggie nodded.

"Ash, I meant what I said last night." Reggie then said as I looked at him. "I meant it when I told you that you're one of the most important things in the world to me." he continued as he walked up to me; I looked at his face, looking at his eyes before looking away from him, looking back at Luke. 

"So, in hopes that you'll rejoin the band, we booked a new gig." Luke told me and Julie, smiling as he handed me and Julie a flyer.

"A mega important, life-changing gig." Reggie then said as he walked back up to me; I looked at the New Music Night flyer Julie is holding.

"Check it out. Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away, and we're living the dream." Luke then said to the two of us, grinning, but Julie and I didn't match his face.

"So this means a lot to you, huh?" Julie asked Luke as I saw his grin fall a little since he probably knows what's about to come next.

"Kind of how playing in front of our entire school meant a lot to me and Julie." I added on, looking at Luke as his face continued to fall.

"Sounds like sarcasm." Reggie commented as he looked at Alex before gasping. "I'm starting to think our plan isn't working." Reggie then whispered to Alex, who just rolled his eyes in response.

"Look, we know we messed up." Alex started as Julie and I looked at him.

"But we need you two in the band." Reggie finished as I looked away from Alex to look at him.

"Of course you do. Because without me and Julie, no one can see you guys actually play." I told the boys, being cold to them for the first time which shocked all of them. Normally Julie is the one being cold to the boys and I'm the one trying to loosen her up. "You know, I thought the music the five of us wrote was special, but you're too obsessed with your pasts to even care." I then told the boys as I looked at Luke again.

"We do care." Luke challenged, taking another step towards me and Julie. "Our band has a real chance of greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again." Luke told Julie and me as we both just looked at him.

"Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail of us to get back at Trevor?" Julie then asked Luke, but he didn't say anything. "I'll tell you why. Cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself." Julie told Luke as she walked away.

"Ash..." Reggie started as I looked at him; I scoffed as I ran after Julie. Julie and I just didn't talk on our way back to the house. We walked inside, going our separate ways as Julie headed for the living room and I went upstairs. 

I walked into my room, closing my door as I walked over to my hanging egg chair and my backpack was thankfully right next to it. I sat in the chair, sitting with my legs crossed as I grabbed my laptop from my backpack; I grabbed my lap desk and put my laptop on it so I could start my chemistry homework. I was working on calculating significant figures as I heard a poof sound; knowing it was probably Reggie coming to talk to me, I ignored him. I folded my laptop into tablet mode and I pulled out my laptop stylus so I can write on my screen. "Ash, you got a second to talk?" Reggie asked me as I ignored him to do my homework. "Ash?" he tried again as I continued ignoring him so I could do my homework. "Oh my gosh. You can't see me anymore!" Reggie then exclaimed as I rolled my eyes at his comment. Reggie's not the brightest boy I know. "Oh." He then said a little awkwardly, figuring out that I can still see and hear him; "Ash, please listen to me. Ash." Reggie continued as he walked over to me, kneeling on the ground in front of me.

"I already told you I'm done with the band, Reg." I told him as I looked at him.

"I know. But before you permanently make your decision, I just need to tell you that...Luke isn't as selfish as you and Julie think. You've got him all wrong." Reggie then said to me as I scoffed. "Ash, please." Reggie then said, going to put his hand on my knee, but his hand passed right through my leg; he sighed, bringing his hand back down to his side. "You remember that song Emily? Can we at least show you who that's actually about?" Reggie then asked me as I looked at him again. I looked at him for a few seconds before sighing.

"Fine." I told Reggie as I closed my laptop, putting it back in my backpack. I stood up as Reggie and I walked out of my room, going back downstairs.

"I got Ash." Reggie said as we walked downstairs, seeing Alex and Julie waiting for us.

"Let's just go." Julie then said to the two boys as Alex nodded; the four of us walked out of the house to find Luke. 

And that's chapter 21! Please comment and vote! I'll try to have Chapter 22 posted tomorrow!

StarWarrior...signing off!

The Lead Guitarist //Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now