Chapter 34: Nick

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Author's Note: Ok, I wasn't feeling the ending I had for this story, so if my old readers are returning to read the updated version of this chapter, you'll know what's different. 

Ash's POV* 

It's been a few days after our show at the Orpheum, and there's literally nothing going on right now. Well, Ray and Carlos are at Carlos' baseball game, but me ad Julie are home alone. I'm pretty sure Julie is up in her room doing homework, but Reggie and I were in the living room; we were sitting on the couch and I was trying to introduce him to the MCU, but it wasn't working out that well. "I still don't get the concept of Iron Man." Reggie said to me as I groaned for like the 5000th time today.

"Iron Man, aka, Tony Stark is a billionaire who manufactures weapons like bombs and missiles." I started as Reggie nodded. "He was then kidnapped in Afghanistan and held against his will until he created the Jerico Missile, the strongest missile he ever created." I continued as Reggie nodded again. 

"But why kidnap him?" Reggie asked me.

"Because the people who kidnapped him wanted him to build them the Jerico Missile because they were terrorists." I shortly explained to Reggie as he just nodded. "Anyway, he built his first Iron Man suit, that big metal suit we saw Tony in, and escaped his captors. After that, he stopped making weapons and started building Iron Man suits to protect the country." I then continued to him.

"So he's a superhero?" Reggie asked me as I nodded.

"Yes." I answered. 

"And in the future movies, he gets a team together to save the world from aliens?" Reggie then asked me. 

"Eh, kinda. He's recruited onto a team, but that's in a future movie that I'm not going to spoil for you." I told Reggie. 

"Ok, I think I got it now." Reggie then said to me as I just nodded. 

"Good. Now, shut up so we can watch Iron Man 2." I then told him as he chuckled, nodding nonetheless. I grabbed the remote, hitting play on Disney+ and the movie started. I snuggled up to Reggie's side, the two of us cuddling as his arm wrapped around me. He kissed my forehead as the two of us watched the movie. I then looked up at Reggie, wanting to ask him a question...a question that has been burned into the back of my mind ever since I found out that I really liked Reggie. 

"What's on your mind?" Reggie asked as he looked at me, knowing I was looking at him. 

"I have a question I've been meaning to ask you for a while." I responded as I sat up, looking at him. 

"What's up?" he asked me, a smile on his face. 

"Do you regret getting street dogs that one night?" I asked Reggie as his small smile faded a little, but it was still there. 

"No." Reggie told me instantly as I looked at him, honestly a little shocked he answered so fast. 

"Wow. You didn't even hesitate." I said to Reggie as he let out a laugh. 

"Why would I? I may be a ghost, but I'm here with Luke and Alex and we can still play music." Reggie started as I smiled at him. "Besides...if I never died in 1995, I never would have met you." he continued as he kissed my forehead. 

"Yea, I guess that's a bonus of being in 2020. You have yourself a..." I started before I stopped. Reggie and I are together, yes, but we've never actually called each other boyfriend/girlfriend before. We haven't even actually talked about it yet. 

"I have myself a what?" Reggie asked me, a small smirk on his face, so he probably knows what I was going to say. 

"A...a friend." I answered as Reggie's smirk only grew. 

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