Chapter 2

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The next day, when Melody's school ended, she went to the nearest super market. What she bought surprised the cashier, though he didn't ask questions. His boss had been very keen on that. Never ever ask the customers why they bought something, let them mind their own business if they pay like they should. The cashier still thought the combination of fish fingers, custard, jammy dodgers and soufflé looked disgusting. He assumed that it all was for dessert, except the fish fingers of course. It must be. No one in their right mind would eat that. He was just being silly. But as the girl who bought it all exited the store, he caught her eating of the fish fingers, dipping them in custard. He decided she was probably mentally sick, eating the fish fingers raw and all, and went on with his day as usual.
The next thing Melody did before she took the buss home was going the post office. A lot of books they'd ordered had come, and she picked some of them up while she was still in the area. On the buss she opened a blue book she'd brought with her. It was her mother's diary, one of the last memory's she and her dad had left from her, from the days she didn't remember.
She began to read one of the stories her mother had written down. It was the one about Demon's Run. As she read on, Melody became more and more familiar with her mothers hand writing. She also realized that her mothers childhood must've been much like hers, only worse since she hadn't had her parents to hide behind. No one who loved her, no one who cared for her.
After a while, two new character's were introduced. River's parents. Melody didn't know much about them, but as she read on she began to recognise one of them. Her mother's mother, who would be her grandmother. She was described as a ginger, kind woman from Scotland named Amelia Pond. Melody recognised her as the woman who came into the shop yesterday. As she turned page, she confirmed it was the woman from yesterday. There was a picture of her father, mother and two other people. Underneath it was a description of the picture, and it said "the Doctor, Amelia, Rory and River." meaning the people who where in it. Amelia, the tall kind looking woman, was indeed the woman who bought her father a book for his birthday. Melody gasped in realisation. If Amelia got to know what had happened to her daughter, that she didn't remember her, she would most defiantly be devastated.
The buss stopped at her station, and Melody practically ran out of it. She didn't stop until she reached the book store, and when she did she got several confused looks from the customers. She didn't care though. She began to search for her father who seemed to be nowhere to be found. At last she spotted him helping a young guy, but before she had a chance telling him about Amelia, someone entered the shop.
She was tall, ginger and had the name Amelia Pond. Amelia spotted Melody and went straight to her.
"Hello again! Listen, you said your name's Melody, right?" she asked. Melody stood there, nervously running a hand through her hair, something she still had from her father.
"Uh huh." she said. Amelia looked her over, as if searching for something which wasn't quite there.
"Do you by any chance, I don't know, recognise me?" Amelia asked.
"N-no. Why would I do that?" She laughed nervously, which instantly gave her away.
"You do, don't you. You recognise me." Amelia said. "Are you Melody? I mean are you my, my Melody?" she asked. Melody understood now that Amelia thought she was her little girl, who in reality was her mother.
"No- I mean your Melody? I don't know you, I saw you for the first time yesterday." she said. Amelia saw right through the girl, and she knew that this Melody knew something, even though she may not be her daughter. She was beginning to ask her something when she noticed someone familiar in the background. Melody saw on her face that Amelia had probably noticed her father, and she would just begin to say that it was not how she thought it was when she heard Amelia shout the name Rory across the store. She then waved at a man with sandy blond hair who Melody recognised as the man on the photo. Even the name was the same, and that meant that Melody was now in real trouble.
"What is it Amy? Who's this?" Rory asked Amy, which was short for Amelia, Melody deducted.
"Her name is Melody, Rory. Melody Pond." Rory's eyes widened and his face went from normal to shocked in less than a second. Exactly 0,7536 seconds, Melody counted. Sometimes, having a time lord brain could get you carried away on things like that...
"...and I actually think it is." Amelia- or Amy- ended. Melody realized she'd missed everything Amy'd said, and she quietly scolded herself for that since it was so important.
"But she never- our Melody only had two forms before being River, and she spent all of her regeneration energy on the Doctor." Rory said. He was obviously confused. Melody remembered the story in her mother's diary, how her mum had given up all of her remaining lives to restore his. She loved it.
"That's one of my favourites!" Melody burst out, and then put her hand over her mouth so quickly and with such power that she nearly dropped to the floor. Instead of doing that, she crashed into a bookshelf.
"Ouch." she complained, rubbing her back where she'd hit the bookshelf. Amelia and Rory stared at her.
"What did you say?" Amelia asked. Melody, who was pretty sure she'd screwed everything up by then, did the only thing she could. She ran. Behind her, Amelia and Rory shouted for her to stop, but she was incredibly fast. She'd learnt that from her time with the Silence, how you must be quick sometimes, or you'll have to take the consequences. Those consequences had resulted in several scars on her back, and it was certainly not a good memory.
Melody ran up a staircase to where she and her dad lived. She then hid inside the TARDIS. She locked the doors and held an eye on the scanner. Outside she could see the staircase, and not long after that Amy and Rory appeared. They both gasped when they saw the TARDIS, realizing the Doctor was not far away.
"I swear I am going to kill him if he's been hiding our daughter from us." Rory said. Melody realized it would be much worse if he found out the truth. She picked up her mobile phone- she'd bought one for her and her father for emergences- and phoned her dad.
"Hello?" he said.
"Emergency. My grandparents are here, and they think I'm their daughter."

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