The News & a Fight to Remember

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(The video I added is kind of what happened in my last chapter except the twins stopped them)
Sloan just asked Gaga to marry her. They both were in love with each other deeply and she wanted to get married before Sam and before Gaga had her baby.

Gaga cried as she yell "yes" a hundred times. They kissed and hugged. They couldn't tell anyone yet but their daughters.


Theresa felt bad that she nearly hurt Mikayla and Maygen. She decided to talk to Maygen first. She wanted to clear the air. They were in the same pack so she knew they'd both need each other at someone point.

Just as she found Maygen walking over to the dining hall everyone heard two wolves fighting.
No one realized it was Mikayla and Sam. They were fighting from their wolf instincts wanting to be stronger than the other.
All the guys pulled the Haüs girls outta the way and Seth was guarding Iman. They all watched in terror as the wolves weren't going easy. They threw each other, slammed another into the ground and bit each other.
Sam hurt Mikayla by her hip. She had a good grip on it with her teeth and threw Mikayla into a tree. Mikayla cried out in pain as she changed back into a human. Shs had claw marks on her arms and back. The bite on her hip and terrible bruises. She started to sob as she tried to run away from the scene. She held her hip while using the trees around her to limp away.
Sam whimpered. She knew they never fought like that but her wolf spirit took over. She lowered her head and ran away.
Maygen caught Mikayla before she could fall. Theresa was crying hard at the sight of her lover beat up and crying.

Sloan and Gaga were on their way to find their daughters but they saw everyone crowded around Mikayla.
All the guys were carrying Mikayla. They surrounded her but each other them had their hands on her to lift her.
Sloan and Gaga's hearts dropped when they realized what happened. They ran over to them and walked with the guys to Mikayla's house.
They set her down gently and left Sloan & Gaga to do the rest.

Sloan: Baby what happened.

Mikayla: I just want to be alone

Out of no where a young German shepherd came up to Mikayla's bed. It whimpered and started to lick Mikayla's wounds. Mikayla had a small smile as she started to scratch it's head.

Mikayla: Hi Kavik.

Gaga: Kavik?

Mikayla: One of my babies. I guess they're here today.


While Sloan and Gaga fixed Mikayla up, Sam was back at her house. She was sobbing. She hurt the one thing that meant most to her.
The 3 guys that traveled there came in visited her. Sam Uley knocked before they entered. Sam didn't even have time to hide her injuries or wipe her eyes.

Sam U.: Was that you and Mikayla fighting...

His voice was calm but concerned. He knew she'd never do that on purpose but he wanted to know if they were both okay.
Sammie started crying again and threw herself into his embrace. He was like their big brother and he always knew what to say.

Sammie: I-I didn't mean to *sniffles* We just started to practice with each other and then *hiccup* Mikayla got really angry. Her eyes were glowing and she challenged me. Then everything was a blur *hiccup*

Sam: It's alright. It's in our blood to go for a challenge. No one has to know it was you.

The guys did a small group hug around her as she cried into Sam's chest.


Later that day.

Mikayla and Iman were in the dining hall. Iman was helping her with getting food and they wanted to catch up with each other.

Iman: Mikayla?

Mikayla: Yes?

Iman: Was, was that Sam you were fighting...

Mikayla nearly spit out her food.

Mikayla: h-h-how did you know?

Iman: That time we had to run, and you guys changed together...I remember the color of your eyes and matched what I saw today.

Mikayla:*frowns* I know Sammie didn't mean to hurt me. I can sense her emotions. She feels bad. She's scared too. She doesn't want our mom's to find out either

Sloan was right behind her when she heard. She was getting her and Iman so she could take them to her house and tell them The News.

Sloan: What did Sam do?

Iman and Mikayla look at each other

Iman: Um...


Gaga heard someone enter the house. She looked and found Sammie.

Gaga: Hi Baby.

Sammie:*sniffles* Mom...I did something terrible

Gaga saw in her eyes that she felt guilty about something. She noticed the tears forming

Gaga: Oh sweetie. Come here

They sit together on the small couch.

Gaga: What happened?

Sammie: Mikayla and I got into a fight. A real fight and I hurt her

Her voice cracked as she hung her head down and started crying

Gaga:*gasps* baby...As long as she's healing I'm sure we'll work this out. Come here

Sloan walks in dragging Mikayla and pulling Iman. She makes them sit down. As soon as Mikayla and Sam saw each other they hugged and cried. Iman comforted them but Sloan was furious and her eyes were glowing.

Gaga: Sloanie. Stop. They're okay. Look, they're hugging. Mikayla is healing and everyone is fine.

Mikayla stands up. She makes her eyes red and stares into Sloan's eyes. Her voice changes as if there is more than one person speaking.

Mikayla: Stop

Right after she said that Sloan's eyes stopped. She sat down as if nothing happened.
No one asked but they were shocked. Gaga brushed it off. She faced her daughters.

Gaga: We have to tell you girls something special *smiles*

Iman: OMG what is it?!

Gaga:*giggles* Sloan and I are...getting MARRIED

All of the girls screamed and hugged. Except for Sloan and Mikayla. They locked arms as Mikayla took her outside.......


what do you think will happen?


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