Chapter Nine

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 "Ugh," I groaned, "I have bath duty today." Niall laughed at me, knowing he was getting the small dogs. I pouted and gave him the biggest puppy eyes I could.

"Okay fine," He rolled his eyes. "I will help you." We have been volunteering at the animal shelter for almost two weeks and I always end up washing the big dogs. I wonder how that happens, Niall.

We walked down the street and into the animal shelter, "Morning kids, the dogs are in the back." Phil, the owner, greeted us.

"Morning!" I called over my shoulder before I was walked into the room with all of the kennels. "Hi guys!" Niall and I said happily.

I went to the back door and closed the gate and propped the door open with an old chair so the dogs could get out into the yard. I laughed at all the barking that the dogs were making. They knew it was bath day.

"Hey rookie?" I asked from the opposite side as him.


"Will you start filling up the pools while I let the dogs out?"

"Sure thing!" I could hear his feet slap against the floor on his way out.

I cooed to the puppies and unlocked kennel after kennel. They all raced out into the yard, probably attacking poor Niall. I laughed at the thought and kept sticking the key in the lock and letting the hyper animals free.

My favorite dog here was a big Anatolian Shepherd dog, no one ever asked to see him. I was never sure why, but I guess I never asked. I quickly unlocked his door and stepped in. "Hey puppy." I smiled and petted his big head. I sat next to him.

"Just saying hi. Want to come play with us?" I asked as if he would answer. Niall walked in and stood in the door way of the kennel.

Virgel just laid his head back down on the cement. "Wait one second." I said. I got up and ran into the store part of the shelter. I handed the dog bed to Phil and got my money out of my purse.

"Finally thinking about adopting one our pets?" He asked ringing it up.

"No it's for Virgel." I said when he gave me the receipt.  I just smiled and ran back.

"Here you go, boy." I said quietly and set it next to him. He sniffed it before sitting in it. "Come out when you are ready." I gave him one last pat on the head before standing up. Niall looked at me like I was the best person he has ever seen.

"What are you looking at?" I asked turning around.

"You are..." He shook his head and smiled, "Let's give these dogs a bath, yeah?" I grinned and hopped onto his back when he bent down, offering me a piggy back ride.

We ran through the door and out into the green yard. The animals were all running around and chasing after butterfly's, birds, and each other. Flowers were lined against the fences and tall trees were planted everywhere in the big open area.

When the dogs noticed us in here they started running towards us and barking as loud as they could. I laughed when they started jumping on Niall. He lost his balance and we fell into the dog pool.

I laughed my head off at Niall, "You- you are such an idiot." He splashed me with the water and stripped his shirt off. I rolled my shirt up just passed my belly so it didn't weigh me down and splashed him back.

 He ran to the side of the shelter and came back with two hoses running water. He tossed one to me and gave me an evil look.

"Sorry dogs, this is payback." He yelled playfully and started spraying water everywhere. I did the same only directing the water at Niall. He screeched when he felt the cold water on his back.

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