Truth Or Dare Pt. 1

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(Hey guys, just want to give you a heads up this is my first time writing a story for people and myself, I wanted to try something just a bit different with theses stories so let's hope this turns out well, ENJOY)!
                               MAKOTO POV

Today is the first day that all of our friends plan to sneak out of the classroom to play a game Junko has set up for everyone. She mentioned this is only getting things started. Then suddenly I hear a knock on the door.

???: Hello, Makoto are you in here?

Makoto: Yes! I will be right there.

I got up to get the door and I see Aoi and Kyoko as I open the door, and so I decided to let them in.

Aoi: Hey Makoto, I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me and Kyoko to the game room for tonight!

Makoto: Sure! I would not mind walking with you guys.

Aoi: Oh shoot I forgot me and Sakura were going to walk together to the game room. How about you and Kyoko walk together for the time being.

As Aoi had said that I saw a huge grin on her face and she zoomed out of my dorm leaving me and Kyoko alone.

Kyoko: Aoi tends to be energetic.

Makoto: Tell me about it, she always get fangirly when you and me are always alone.

I started to blush a bit now thinking about it, Hina knew I had a big crush on Kyoko, but I try to not trip on my words.

Kyoko: Hey are you ok? Your face is now awfully red.

Makoto: W-What! No I-I am fine!

Well good job me, I just tripped over my words. Then I started to stare into her eyes for 2 minutes until she kept trying to say my name so many times.

Kyoko: Makoto! Stop staring off into space and listen.

Makoto: Oh s-sorry, I got lost thinking about something.

Kyoko: What is it you are thinking about?

Great, she is now asking a straight forward question, ugh what do I do.

Makoto: Oh u-umm look at the time we should really get going!

Kyoko: But you did not answ-

I grabbed her hand and we got to the game room finally. But then I hear giggling coming from behind us.

Makoto: Hina! What were you doing following us.

She then pointed at our hands and me and Kyoko removed our hands from each other realizing what we were doing, I saw she had pink blush across her face.

Aoi: Awe how adorable! Just hope this game does not involve anything that happens to reveal stuff.

Kyoko: I doubt the game is gonna be that bad, let's just have fun.

We all went into the game room to find everyone else there waiting for us, we all went to sit in a circle.

Junko: Ok guys! I have established this first game meeting because you all need to lighten up a bit. Like  come on we are in High School now! So I brought some beer for some of you, and if you don't like beer here is some juice boxes.

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