Make Me Laugh

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Makoto POV

Another day to play one of Junko's games her and her sister Mukuro have made up. They said the games soon will get more interesting as we play them everyday. So let's have some fun for today.

I felt someone's leg as I was about to wake up. I jumped to look around to see who it was. It was Kyoko in my arms in her bed. I forgot we were in b-bed together last night.

Makoto: Kiri, wake up. It's time to get ready for today.

Kyoko: A-Aoi, I don't wanna...g-get up.

I made a girl voice and said...

Makoto: Kyoko look! Makoto's shirt is off!

Kyoko: W-What where!

I started to laugh when she finally woke up after me saying that. I notice her face was really red, then I broke the silence.

Makoto: You seem pretty excited about my shirt being off.

Kyoko: What! No I was not.

Makoto: Fine, if you say so my Kiri.

Kyoko: Hmph. Let's just get ready to go to the game room for tonight.

Makoto: Awe, but I wanted to be with you for only today.

Kyoko: Well, it is 9:30 a.m. in the morning so...

Makoto: So, we should watch a movie in here together before we head to the game room tonight.

Kyoko: Ok. Let me go pick one out. Which do you prefer Makoto, Horror, Comedy, Action, or Romance?

Makoto: How about I go for a Romance movie?

Kyoko: Ok. I thought you were the type of person to watch a Horror movie.

Makoto: Nah, horror is just my third favorite. Romance is my second favorite.

Kyoko: Well ok, let me put the DVD in and we can watch the movie together.

Kyoko put the DVD in and we watch the movie. 30 minutes have gone by, Kyoko put her head on my shoulder and I noticed she had a smile on her face.

Makoto: You smiling is very cute Kiri.

Kyoko: W-Well, thank you Makoto.

Makoto: Here let me make you smile even more.

Kyoko: Oh? And how s-

I cut her off by kissing her soft lips, I had my hands wrapped around her hips. Her arms were wrapped around my neck. We kept on kissing each other like that for 5 minutes which felt like an hour or more had gone past. She pulled away and had blush all over her face but also had a smile along with the blush, I laughed when I saw her expression.

Makoto: I see you are blushing and smiling. At least I made you smile more.

Kyoko: I never thought you were going to make out with me to make me smile you dork.

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