Chapter 5

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Sienna P.O.V

I'm walking back to the house going through everything that happened within the last few hours. I was glad that I met Cody. He seems pretty nice, kind of weird though how we met and why he was there. Oh well. I know once I get back I'm going to get an earful from Kara for not answering my phone. I guess I was too lost in conversation to answer it. Although since Cody is from a rival camp I probably shouldn't tell anyone about him just in case.

I finally walked out of the woods to see a small crowd of people in front of the main house. Kara and Mason run to me squeezing the life out of me.

"We were so worried!" Kara and Mason said at the same time.

"Sorry to make you worry, I just wanted some fresh air and to explore the woods a bit" I say with a small smile.

Kara was about to speak when I heard "Sienna.. I'm glad you're safe". I turn to see a nervous looking Noah who was now running his fingers through his hair. I knew sooner or later I would have to see him but I thought I would still be mad and nervous. But I feel a sense of happiness when I look at him. As I make eye contact with his gorgeous eyes that always captivate me I quickly look down as the blush rises to my cheeks and my heart starts racing. One look from him and my whole body seems to go crazy. "Thanks Noah" I say softly. He smiles. Ugh when he smiles my heart turns to putty. What is going on with me. I caught up with everyone and even had to reassure Sarah that I was fine. It's nice having Sarah around, she is almost like a motherly figure for me.

Noah asked me to come with him up to his office. I feel nervous now. Once we get up there he gestures for me to take a seat while he closes the door. He then sits down in his chair and looks at me.

"Sienna I asked you up here because.... because I wanted to ask if I could take you out? I would like to get to know you better" He asks shyly. My heart is beating out of my chest. Is this a date?

"I would really like that" I say smiling.

"Do you have any preferences of places you would like to go? For safety I think we should stay within the camp boundaries" he says.

Thinking back to the tour Kara gave, this camp is almost like a little town. They have their own shops, restaurants, and even a school. It's pretty amazing. You would never guess that all of this would be here deep in the woods. Kara and I will be student teaching for our senior year so she is trying to convince me to teach at the school here at the camp with her. Apparently people stay year round so there are a lot of kids.

"Hmm maybe that Italian place, I've been wanting to try it" I say

"It's a date, I'll get you from your room at five." he says with a grin. I blush and nod as I race to my room. I have a date! Wooohooo. It's kind of funny. I was scared of the guy a few days ago and next thing I know I'm getting ready to go on a date with him. I text Kara and share information about my date. I will just say she was super excited and informed me that her and Sarah will start planning the wedding. I haven't even gone out with him yet, she's ahead of the game I suppose haha. Kara helps me get ready for my date. I decide on a black halter dress that stops above my knees paired with a simple black heel. I straighten my hair and apply mascara with mauve colored lipstick. I glance at the clock and it is ten minutes until five. Kara and I chat until I hear a knock at my door. I take a deep breath and walk to open the door. My eyes go wide at the sight in front of me. Noah is standing there with a grey button down shirt, black slacks and shoes. He looks mighty fine. Kara walks up "Noah close your mouth or else a fly is gonna fly in" she says laughing.

His cheeks turn red and glances down for a moment before looking at me. "Sienna you look absolutely beautiful". I blush "Thank you, you look beautiful too.. OH wait I mean you look really handsome.." my voice trails off embarrassed. He chuckles "Shall we" he says holding out his arm. "We shall" I smile at him, wrapping my arm around his. This tingle sensation will never get old. A short drive later we made it to the restaurant. We walked hand in hand. More warm tingles shoot through my body. He even pulled out my chair for me to sit. I was feeling a bit uneasy because since we walked in everyone seemed to be staring at us. I even received a few glares from some girls.

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