Chapter 23 Mid-Tiers vs Joker Trio

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A/N: I'm skipping the fight with Isen since it's basically the same in Unordinary :p Also, Cecile already listened to what Hower told Arlo, Elanie and Evie.

As John, Mia and Oliva run around while John uses Isen ability, someone was behind them.

"John!" a female yells out.

John, Mia and Oliva stop and turn around to see Cecile.

"You probably already had a hunch.. but Seraphina isn't on campus" Cecile states. "So Isen abilty won't work here.


John, Mia and Oliva begin to walk towards Cecile. Mia and Oliva activate their abilities. Cecile begins to feel scared.

'Their presence are overwhelming! They're dangerous. Isen wasn't kidding around. I need to watch what I say' Cecile thinks.

John grabs Cecile by her shirt.

"My name is Cecile. I led the press team for three years. I have connections and know everything that goes on in this school. Most importantly... I know you defeated Arlo. And you're now the true King of Wellston" Cecile says.

John clenches his fist. Oliva creates a sharp icicle on her finger and pokes Cecile throat. Cecile looks surprised.

"I'm here to support you. All three of you in fact. I know where they are keeping Seraphina" Cecile adds.

Mia and Oliva look at John. John let's Cecile go. Cecile fixes her shirt.

"Follow me" Cecile says.

"Lie and you will pay the consequences" Oliva states with a frightening tone.

The three follow Cecile.

*Time Skip after Arlo and Elanie rescue Seraphina*

After the mid-tiers argue, Illena already accepted the consequences and begins to walk away.

"I-Illena!" Wenqi yells.

Illena looks to see someone standing in front of her. She sees a person in a mask. She looks to see two females with the same masks but in different colors. "Who the-?" as stops as the masked male kicks her in the stomach. "AUGH!" as she is sent to the wall.

The other four mid-tiers look surprised. John begins to walk towards Illena while the others look scared. John stops and grab Illena. He raises his fist and Wenqi activates her ability.

"Hey, stop it!" Wenqi yells. "Who the hell are you?!!" She charges at the masked person. "Let her go!"

Mia activates her ability and runs faster, appearing in front of Wenqi. She looks surprised and notices one eye glowing from the masked female.


Mia throws a kick at Wenqi, sending her to the wall. Mia runs toward her and kicks her in the stomach.

"ACK!!" as she coughs up blood.

Mia grabs Wenqi and slams her to the floor, knocking out Wenqi.

The three other mid-tiers get scared and turn around to run, only to be stopped by a lighting barrier. They see the other masked female standing in front of them.

"Dammit! She's blocking our exit. What do we do now???"

"We have to fight back. All three of them. I don't like this but we got no choice."

Krolik fires a beam at the masked male. John blocks it with his arm. John arm begins to regenerate.

"He heals?" Misa says in surprise.

John marks Krolik as a target and charges at him. John punches him in the chest, sending him to Oliva lighting barrier. Krolik get injured and heavily electricuted by Oliva lighting barrier. Oliva removes the lighting barrier, letting Krolik fall onto the floor. The two mid-tiers look frighten. Mia walks towards Misa.

"G-Get away from me!" Misa says while being scared. "Don't come any closer!" as she raises her hand at the masked female.

Mia grabs Misa wrist and kicks her in the stomach. Misa falls to the floor. Mia extends her hand at Misa while she is coughing out blood. She looks at the masked female "...No! P-Please no!"

Mia fires a blackpink fireball at Misa, leaving her burn marks as she is unconscious. John turns to the green hair guy. He falls to his knees in fear. Mia looks at him. Oliva walks towards the guy and creates a icicle to his neck.

"P-Please..! I don't know what you three want, but... if this is about Seraphina. I'm sorry! We never meant for it to go this far! I regret all of it!" he says.




"She's safe now. A-Arlo took her away just a few moments ago"

Mia and Oliva look at John. Oliva lowers the icicle down.

"If there's any way I can make this up to all of you.. or prove myself to-!" he is interuppted as he kneed to the face.

John punches him and he falls to the floor. Mia kicks the guy in the stomach.

"GUH!" as he is sent to the wall.

John, Oliva and Mia walk away and head back outside. Cecile was waiting for them and sees the three coming out They walk towards her and stop a feet way.

"Finally finished?" Cecile asks.

John, Mia and Oliva remove their masks.

"Did you at least go easy on them" Cecile questions.

John, Mia and Oliva stay quiet for a minute. Cecile looks concerned.

"We're done here" John says.

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