Chapter 30 ENTER GRASS Part 2

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*Headmaster's Office*
Vaughn looks mad at John and Oliva. John finishes removing the icicles off of Oliva.

"Ughhhh thank god. That was a pain in the ass" Oliva says as she sighs in relieve.

"*chuckles* Even though you could've melt the icicles yourself" John says.

"Boooo! I wanted you to do it. I like it when-" gets interrupted by Vaughn as he clears his throat loudly.

John and Oliva look at Vaughn.

"Yes?" John and Oliva ask in unison.

"John, when you first came to Wellston, you were given special treatment because of your rank. Oliva, you were told NOT to repeat the events at Wellston along with Mia. Yet, you, John and Mia sent have sent a few students to the hospital. If it were not for Mia healing ability, the royals would've surely died. Because of the apperance GRASS, we now have to take procaution. It was clear that two of GRASS members were after you two and Mia" Vaughn states.

"But sir, if you didn't know. Mia could've died for saving the royals!" Oliva states.

"I am aware" as he glares at the couple. "Why wasn't I inform about that? I surely would've taken measure in Mia's situation."

John and Oliva stay silent.

"Unless, Mia told you two to not say a word. Has this ever happen before?" Vaughn asks.

"There were times where Mia could've died. On the day of me and Oliva attacking our class at New Boston, we refrained her from healing them" John replies.

"Because if she was going to heal them all, it would've taken a lot of aura out of her. Plus, if she fully healed them, she would've died in the process" Oliva adds.

Vaughn eyes glow in anger. John and Oliva look scared.

"YOU TWO! You would keep something like from me? Do you not take Mia's life seriously? If it weren't for that masked person that saved her life, she would be dead!" Vaughn states in anger.

John and Oliva look sad and stay silent. Vaughn eyes stop glowing and sighs.

"You two will be recieving detention for the next two week. As for Mia, I will speak with her after she recovers. Do you two have anything else to say?" Vaughn asks.

John and Oliva stay silent.

"I see. You two may leave now" Vaughn says.

John and Oliva leave the headmaster's office.

Doc looks at Mia with worry as she is sleeping.


"*sigh* Dammit John. You couldn't at least told me about that. Stupid kids. Don't even think about other people lives" Doc says in anger.

Suddenly, Doc feels a shiver. Doc looks around and stays cautions. "What was that?" He activates his nightmare ability.

"My my. How scary. Anyone would be scared by your grumpy face alone" a female says.

Doc looks up to see a woman on the ceiling.


The woman jumps on Doc. The woman slams Doc to the floor. Doc pushes the woman back.

"You're still able to stand. I'm impressed" the woman says with a smile.

"Yeah and that FUCKEN HURTS!" Doc yells.

The woman activates her ability and charges at Doc. Doc moves out of the way, however, the woman grabs his arm and pulls him closer. The woman kisses Doc. Doc looks surprised then suddenly feels being drained. The door opens.

UnOrdinary Fanfic: John's Girlfriend & Sister; {Enter GRASS}Where stories live. Discover now