the observation deck

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my mom yelled out to me.

"well it's not my fault that you're forcing me to come"! i yelled back.

"watch your tone"! she yelled back.

i rolled my eyes knotting my laces and standing up off the couch.
"i'm ready". i said monotonely to my mom as she walked into the living room.

"okay come on". she said rushed. grabbing her keys off the table.
in the car i looked out the window and wondered what it'd be like to finally move out and have a place of my own.

i was taking a gap year between highschool and college, but that meant working for money to buy my own apartment.

i would be glad when the day finally came.

"fix your face". my mom said sternly, applying her lipstick as she drove.

"why are you trying to look sexy for your boss"? i asked. she gave me a stare and hit my shoulder.
"i'm trying to look professional". she said.
yeah... like a professional porn star. i thought.

"you should have put on some makeup". my mom said adjusting the rear view mirror.
"for your boss"!? i questioned.
what a perv.

"no idiot, for his son that you're meeting today".
i rolled my eyes.
"you want me to get dressed up for a 12 year old"? i asked laughing.

"his son isn't 12 he's actually the same age as you".
my mom said.

my eyes widened. "i thought you said he was twelve"! i nearly screamed.
"y/n stop screaming"!

"i didn't say he was 12 i was probably talking about my friends son, but you wouldn't listen now would you"? she said.

i turned to face the window again.
whatever i bet he's not even cute.
probably some snot nosed, small brain who thinks having a CEO dad makes HIM the big shot.
i smiled to myself. i was so witty.

when we pulled into my moms parking space, she nearly fell getting out the car. she rushed to open the back seat and grab her bag and binder full of papers.

"slow down". i whined opening my door and squinting at how bright it was outside today.

"speed up". she replied already heading towards the entrance of the giant glass building.

her work was a pretty place, and she had a huge office. i just didn't take interest in being around her all the time. especially when she was in her working attitude.

when we entered the building my mom was greeted by her assistant and i was left to fend for myself like always.

we would arrive, she would be greeted, and i would wander around looking for loose change, and free snacks in the break rooms.

it wasn't so bad, sometimes people left dollars behind on the counter.
coming to a place filled with snobs had it perks, they forgot their money all over the place.

my mom was well paid, and our house was pretty average.
but most of the workers here were loaded, they had mansions and country clubs for their weekends alone.

that type of loaded.

i took the elevator to the floor above my moms.
the observation deck.

when my mom works nights, sometimes i tag along to sit in this area and stare at the open city below me.

it was beautiful.

there was also a huge fish tank in the middle of the floor, with all kinds of unique fish.
it was a place i felt peaceful.

i walked over to the giant plush couch that sat in front of the huge glass window, getting comfortable.

i threw my head back and looked at the ceiling.

i'm bored. UGH

i pulled out my phone and started to text my dad.

me: hey.. at work with my mom.
last week was fun. let me know when i can see you again.


dad: yep. i had fun spending your 17th birthday with you.

me: :)

i put my phone away.
i didn't have the heart to tell him that we actually celebrated my 18th birthday.
he always forgot those kinds of things.
it didn't hurt anymore though. i was used to it.

when my mom and dad divorced a few years back.
my dad decided he would move half way across the world and start a new family.

he finally took the time to get me a flight to see him. and i spent an awkward 6 days with him, and a lady with 2 kids i'd never met before.
she tried to be inviting, but i knew i didn't belong in their space, there was no place for me there.
and it was really awkward listening to the kids whisper about "the strange lady" on the couch.

after watching the moving cars on the street for 20 minutes. i had to use the bathroom.

i stood up and stretched my legs.

yep, so quiet i could hear my bones cracking.
no one ever came up to this floor because there were no offices on it, the business workers had no time to just sit and watch the city.

they were the ones running it.

i walked out the glass activated doors and down the hall, pushing the elevator button.

it took a minute but the doors finally opened.

i was very startled to see a tall and thin, red haired boy step out of it. he was wearing headphones and he didn't even give me a glance. he was listening to music on his phone so loud i could hear the background vocals.

he smelled sweet like expensive cologne, and just as the doors closed i heard him start to hum some of the song out loud.

he was going to the observation deck too?
i've never seen anyone go up there except me.

the doors closed all the way. and i could still smell him.

well he's certainly infatuating.

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