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when the sun shining in my eyes was too much to bare, i gave up on trying to sleep any longer.

i sat up and rubbed my eyes, seeing that ushjima slept next to me still, he looked peaceful but he sure did have a lot on his mind.

i let my legs slide off the bed, and quietly made my way to the door, opening it.

walking into the living room i came to find all the boys were still asleep, i believe it was somewhere around 8am.

i walked over to the couch, yawning in my hand and debating on whether or not to just let the temptation to go lay back down take control.

i peeked over satori and smiled.
he slept like a little baby.
semi and shirabu both had their mouths open.
they were all so cute.

i steadily put my knee on the couch and as gently as i could, i climbed onto satori, laying on top of him with my head on his chest.

his breathing got a little heavier and he mumbled something before opening his eyes.
"good morning". i whispered.

he instinctively smiled and wrapped his arms around me, closing his eyes again.

he still somehow smelled like that damn cologne. and he hadn't been able to put it on for at least a full day.

it must be really expensive to last that long.
"is something wrong"? he whispered.
i shook my head into his chest.
"no i'm fine". i whispered back.

i let my legs straddle him, and gave him a peck on the cheek.
i wonder if ushjima really loves him.. as more than a friend.

"do you want to do something today"?
satori asked me as he ran his hands down my back.
i thought about it.

"maybe we can have a movie marathon". i said thinking about how we never even finished that siblings movie.

"sounds good" he replied as we got up.

"don't you want to wake up your friends"? i asked.
"they're fine, they know if i leave they can stay as long as they want and leave on their own".

i nodded. "okay then".

we quietly made our way out the door and took another long walk to get back to the house.
"our parents might be suspicious of us coming into the house like this". i said realizing i was still wearing ushjimas shirt. "also do you think he'll be mad i took this"? i asked pointing at the shirt.

"ushjima won't care, also our parents should be gone by now".

i smiled. right.

as we walked into the house i heard the sound of laughter and immediately froze up.
that sounded like my mom.
i looked at satori and he had a wide eyed expression.

"y/n, tendo, is that you"? the CEOs voice echoed from the living room to the front door.
crap. there was no way we could get to our rooms without passing our parents.

"what do i do"?! i asked satori panicked as i grabbed onto the oversized shirt, showing that being in this alone was a huge problem.

"they should have been gone". he whispered back.

"come in here". my mom said.

i gave in to the pressure and began to walk to the living room as satori trailed behind me.
i entered and noticed not only my mom and the CEO, but another lady sitting on the couch as they all looked at me.

"hi". i said with my voice cracking slightly.
i cleared my throat feeling embarrassed.
"y/n what is that you're wearing"? my mother asked stiffly.

"um... me and satori got coffee and i accidentally spilled it on my outfit... quite a bit... so he luckily had this shirt in his trunk for me". my lie wasn't too bad.

"oh well- you're indecent but this is the secondary assistant ms. lee". she said pointing to the stranger.

i smiled at her and gave a slight bow.
"nice to meet you". i said.
she grinned and nodded at me.

ok weirdo.

i turned to look at satori and he walked forward standing next to me.

"nice to meet you, i am kaidos son". he said reaching out to shake her hand.
she took it and quietly shook his hand.
she was- tense and strange.

"okay well we were just gonna watch a movie so". satori said already turning to walk down the hall.
"don't play it too loud". the CEO said.

i smiled awkwardly again and followed satori down the hallway.

"they sure do make beautiful siblings". the strange lady said as we made our way to satoris room.
it sent shivers down my spine.

we entered the room and satori closed the door as i jumped onto his bed.

"what do you want to watch"? i asked.
"per sisters request"? satori asked giggling as i his my face.

this idiot.

oaktree- 🧋sooooo the next book i write:

it will be about *drum roll*

KENMA KOZUME!!! mi little cat boy. but he's hot so don't expect no sappy shit. straight smut.
gamer sex.

anyways... this book is nearing 50 chapters and i think it's time to start saying goodbye.
it needs to be ended soon. 😭

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