you like it dont you

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me and tendou spent another hour just talking and hanging around. until we finally noticed how late it had gotten.
"how come my mom hasn't stopped by to get me"?
i asked tendou.

he looked at the darkness outside.
"you're right, it's getting dark". he said.

"do you think they're-"? tendou asked with his eyes wide. i made a confused face and he made a circle with his fingers and stuck another finger inside it.

"NO gross"! i laughed throwing a pillow at him.

(what satori did)

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(what satori did)

"whaaat why else would they stay so late"? he asked.
"unless"... he said laying down to look at me upside down. "unless what"? i asked.

"unless they think we are". he said smirking.
i blushed. "what, no". i said.
"maybe they're giving us privacy". he said doing the hand sign again.

i blushed even harder.
"y/n don't be so serious". he said sitting up and laughing.

"i thought you were intellectual". i said looking away.
"would you prefer if i said intercourse"? he grinned.
i looked at him quickly and fumbled with my hands.

"nervous"? he asked.
"a little". i said back.

he squinted.
"look at you, telling the truth. okay let's go find them". he said.

me and tendou got up and left the room to search.

we walked around the entire floor and finally heard voices coming from one of the break rooms.

"are they doing it"? tendou asked from behind me.

i ignored him and looked around the corner.
my mom and the CEO were talking.
the were sitting next to eachother holding hands on the table. 

"i think it's for the best rin". the CEO said to my mom. "how will she react though"? my mom asked back.

"she might be upset, or she might be overjoyed. and tendou will probably enjoy the company". the CEO said.

what are they talking about?

"any clue"? tendou asked.
i shook my head.

"let me see". he said moving in front of me to look around the corner.
"hello son". the CEO said monotonely.

what how did he know.

(don't roast the picture

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(don't roast the picture. there wasn't one on google so i had to draw it omg 💀)

"i know you're there, unless there's floating red hair by the door". he said.

"dang it". tendou whispered.

we both walked in the room and looked at our parents.

"were you listening to our discussion"? my mom asked me. "tcsh hardly". i responded.

she brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
"don't lie to me y/n". she said.

"we don't even know what you guys were talking about". i said upset.

"we were talking about"... my mom stopped and stood up. and the CEO stood up as well.

"moving in together". the CEO said.
me and tendou both gasped looking at eachother .
"WHAT"?! we said in sync.

"we know it's a lot to process, but we believe that we should be able to be together". my mother said.

tendou grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall, leaving our parents calling after us.

"where are we going"?! i asked being pulled.
"the observation deck". he said back.

we reached the observation deck panting. and both went to sit ourselves on the couch.

"i can't believe him". tendou said throwing his head back.

"i can't believe her". i responded.

we looked at eachother and a sad feeling seeped in.
if our parents liked eachother, that would mean... me and tendou could become step siblings.

how could i... like my brother.

"it's not that i wouldn't want you to move in it's just, i don't want to become siblings". tendou said looking at the ceiling.

"that's exactly what i was thinking".
i responded.

wait- if we were just friends i think we'd be excited. but i think we both just admitted we like eachother as more than just friends.

"it does get lonely around the house though". tendou said. i looked at him and admired the moonlight glowing off his face.

"same". i said.

"maybe it won't be so bad". he whispered.
i watched the way his eyes moved over me, the way his hands played with the edges of his pockets.

"tendou, do you think it will be ok"? i asked.
"will what be ok"? he asked back.
"you know, living together". i said shyly.
"i think it will be fun". he smiled.

the sensation was back.
the feeling that we were slowly creeping towards eachother. his hair spiky but still soft, i could see how soft his lips were, how his eyelashes fluttered everytime he blinked.

"y/n what do you think". he said casually putting his arm around my shoulder. our faces inching ever so slightly.

"i think- it will be exciting". i said.

he smirked and his eyelids were half lidded with focus.

he slowly placed his finger underneath my chin lifting it up.

"are you analyzing me"? i asked.
"i already have". he said back.

we both leaned in and touched lips.
i was hesitant but i put my hands on his face.

we pulled back to take a breath and stared at eachother. we didn't say a word. but we leaned in again for another kiss.

"tendou". i whispered.
"are you feeling lustful"? he asked.
we leaned in to kiss again and he put his tongue into my mouth making me hum.

"i can tell how you feel". he said lightly placing his hand around my neck as we kissed.
"i can already tell what gets you going". he whispered giving my neck a slight squeeze.
i clenched my hands on my thighs and kept kissing.

"i know what you like". he smiled into our kiss.
i blushed as he tightened his grip on my throat. but i didn't stop him.

"you like it don't you"? he asked like he already knew the answer.
i nodded and he laughed slightly.
"i know". he said as we continued to kiss. our tongues rubbing.

we heard the elevator ding and quickly pulled away. wiping the saliva off our lips and scooting apart.

oaktree-😮 i almost couldn't stop writing.

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