Percy Weasley is a people pleaser. He had to be perfect in every way, not for himself but for others. But when his family turns their backs on him, he can only try to be better at a place where he is recognized, the Ministry of Magic, where he can p...
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She's a mess, a gorgeous chaos
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Audrey Haynes was a helper. She was the kindest person one would ever meet, well kindest in actions not in words. She didn't care what others thought of her, something she learned from her mother.
She was five when her father left, disappeared. At that age, she didn't understand why or where he went. That was when her mother had told her, "the only person you can trust is yourself, don't rely on other people for your happiness."
Audrey was a self sufficient girl, she didn't need friends, she didn't need a father, she didn't need approval. As she grew up she learned where her father went and why he left and she realized how little kindness was there in the world.
Be trustworthy enough to let others rely on you but be independent enough not to rely on others. It was not a bad policy but it made her more wary of people. She had never trusted someone very easily. She was only nine when her mother got married again, to a much better person. Audrey liked him and he was the only person she let in so quickly. It was probably because her mother trusted him and she trusted her mother's judgement.
Audrey didn't have any siblings but when she joined Hogwarts, her dorm mate, Iris Menkem, became like one. They both grew very close and spent all their time together, along with Iris' sister, Adeliene.
She was loved by her parents and may have been pampered a little too much, but that didn't make her any less kind.
As a Slytherin, Audrey received a lot of shit from her classmates. She usually ignored the stupid comments and stereotypical statements, but she would blow up like a volcano if they got out of line. Audrey had been nothing but nice to her fellow Slytherins and in turn they had always had her back, despite her half blood status.
Audrey never excelled in her studies or get perfect grades, she passed her OWLs with Es and As, her NEWT scores were better but not that amazing. She was never a prefect or a head girl, she caused trouble but barely got into detention. She wasn't perfect in any way but she didn't believe anybody was.
In short, Audrey Haynes was more of a neutral person than anything. Everything about her was average, she didn't want to be amazing at one thing but rather have some sort of skill in every field. She never played Quidditch in the team but she was good at it, she was fluent in French but not the best, she was a good writer but had room for improvement, she had a talent for drawing but she could be better.
Audrey's parents always expected great things from their daughter, she was a smart woman and she had good instincts. They believed she could do anything she wanted, she had enough will power for it, but out of all the things, Audrey didn't expect to work at the ministry.
Ministry of Magic, department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Audrey didn't want to do this when she was growing up. Like her friend, Iris, she too wanted to become a healer.
Audrey didn't know what led her to that god awful ministry, probably life, but there she was working under an annoying head and some awful employees. The job wasn't too bad, she liked watching buildings restore themselves with a flick of her wand, she loved helping people who messed up in a potion or a spell but her favorite was coming up with a muggle worthy excuse, sometimes she came up with the most ridiculous things and they were hilarious.
Her whole life she wanted to help people and even though this wasn't her ideal way, she just went with it.
The thing about Audrey Haynes was that she just went where life took her, not questioning it. As a big believer in destiny, Audrey always said that it was meant to happen. Everything would fall into place at the right time, let the universe do its job. This also made her rather chaotic. Her whole life was unpredictable, her decisions were random and she didn't always stick to them unless she really had to. Most of the times it was a good thing for her because she didn't feel shock or sadness at something sudden, she accepted and moved on. Sometimes, though, it was bad for her, she never had a plan and was a mess most of the time.
People at work sucked but Audrey didn't need them. Audrey didn't need friends at work. She didn't need to please her colleagues, if they didn't like her, it was their problem. She didn't mind working with barely any social interaction and she didn't mind sitting alone during her lunch breaks, right?
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A/N Thanks for reading this chapter. Again this was really short because it was just an introduction to Audrey's character. I hope you liked it!