Audrey had been staying with Iris, they both had already sent their parents into hiding which made sense since Iris was a muggleborn.
Adeliene lived with her girlfriend in an apartment in Diagon Alley. They both had been dating for quite some time and Audrey was sure they would last long.
Iris spent most of her days in St. Mungo's especially with the increase in magical injuries, which was her department, she was spending more time than she wanted to.
Audrey had been going to Hogwarts and luckily nothing crazy happened after the Katie Bell incident, though she did make sure that everyone made it back to the castle safely.
When December arrived, Audrey saw the drop in Percy's mood. He was a big family person and Christmas was just around the corner. Percy craved those jumpers, he craved the food, he craved the people who used to be around him.
Audrey had had enough of Percy being an idiot, so she took matters into her own hands. On christmas she forced him out of his apartment that he was sharing with Oliver and apparated to the St. Ottery village near the burrow.
"What are we doing here?" Percy asked.
"Meeting your parents" Audrey said, "And don't even try to leave, you won't be able to"
Percy reached for his wand but then realized he didn't have it. He patted down his pockets just in case but it wasn't there. "You took my wand!?"
"The only right thing to do" Audrey shrugged, "Let's go now"
Percy huffed and sulked and hesitated but Audrey didn't let him stop, not until they reached the Burrow. Well, Almost.
Percy stopped in his steps, "what will I even say?"
"You want to talk, you'll explain everything to them" Audrey told him, "I know it's difficult but you have been avoiding it for too long now and it's christmas eve!"
Percy sighed, "I don't need anyone on christmas except you"
Audrey smiled, it was sarcastic for sure, "Flattering but lies don't suit you, " she told him, "now lets go!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her.
They were near the small shed next to the house, one where Arthur kept his muggle things, trying to navigate through the snow and darkness when Audrey saw two people approach the front door of the burrow, not sure who it was.
She immediately pulled Percy to the side, hiding on the side of the house, peeping to see who it was. The door opened and the light from inside the house spilled outside and Audrey felt her heart drop.
It was the minister of magic, Scrimgeour, with Percy? Audrey was confused. She looked back at Percy and then back at the door.
" I losing my mind?"
"I'm pretty sure you aren't..." He said in horror, "do you think they used Polyjuice?"
"I'm pretty sure they did" Audrey whispered back.
The fake Percy and the minister walked into the house and Audrey and the real Percy came out from the side of the house and peeped through the windows.
"I can't believe they would go this far to get information! but why would the minister want to get someone to become you if he could just do it himself?" Audrey asked.
"Because," Percy sighed, "He doesn't know"
It all made sense to Audrey now, the people who imperioed Percy were death eaters working for the ministry. Now they were just death eaters.

No Control | Percy Weasley
FanfictionPercy Weasley is a people pleaser. He had to be perfect in every way, not for himself but for others. But when his family turns their backs on him, he can only try to be better at a place where he is recognized, the Ministry of Magic, where he can p...