Audrey heard many things about Hogwarts. A lot of her friends' siblings still went there. She felt bad for the people stuck with that toad faced woman. Winter break was coming fast so that was a plus for them.Audrey had made no progress in her job. She was still, bottom of the chain, just a newbie, not good enough. She felt stupid, being mad about not excelling in a job that she never really wanted.
Audrey had never known what she had wanted with life. She was strong and independent but she would rather settle down, have kids, stay home. She didn't like being bound to this job, this awful job. Unfortunately, the world didn't work that way. She had to take this job if she wanted to live on her own and take care of herself. She had jumped at the first one she got, not wanting to choose, she didn't know what she wanted.
Now she knew. She knew she didn't want a ministry job, she didn't want this hierarchy.
But, unfortunately, she was stuck here until she found something.
After completing the last of her, Audrey was ready to leave. She walked towards the elevator and got in. As usual it made many stops, people got in and out. She was usually alone by the time she reached the bottom floor. Not this time.
Percy walked into the elevator with a longing stare. He didn't say anything nor did he move, he just stood there for what felt like a long time.
"Do you want something?" Audrey said in a rather rude tone.
Percy looked to the floor, almost as if unable to speak. "I need to talk to you" He finally spoke and the elevator came to a stop. Percy immediately straightened himself.
"Weasley, what are you doing here?" the wizard who walked in asked.
"Reporting to Fudge" Percy replied and fixed his glasses which were sliding down his nose and then putting his hands in his pockets.Percy on the other hand seemed to be doing very well. He was now directly reporting to Fudge and working at a rather high position. Audrey wouldn't have cared if he wasn't always seen around Fudge. They were practically glued to each other. But she expected nothing less, Percy was always obsessed with this job, this position. He had chosen that over all else, over his own family.
Audrey wondered how things with his family were. Last time she talked to him, he had gone to resolve things, he disappeared for over a week after that. Was he in hiding with them? She remembered him talking about it."Reporting what?" The wizard asked.
Percy glanced at Audrey who had moved back and behind them now. "That's confidential" He moved his hand from his pocket and fixed his glasses yet again.
The wizard glanced back at Audrey as well before nodding.
Audrey got off the elevator as quickly as she could. The elevator felt tense and she felt rather uncomfortable with the two there. There wasn't much of a reason for it, but something just felt tense.
Shrugging these thoughts off of her mind, Audrey made her way home. Her mind was revolving around Percy. He wanted to talk about something. What could it be? Was he trying to explain his actions from a few months ago? Was he going to apologize?
Audrey had hoped Percy had some reason, anything, to justify his actions. She missed her friend and she missed his presence around her. Now, Percy was just all about his job.
When Percy walked into that elevator, he wanted to say so many things but nothing was coming out. Not because he was nervous or scared but because he was physically unable to open his mouth. One hint, anything, if only he could explain what was happening to him but he didn't know all of it himself.
When the elevator started moving, Percy felt as if someone had lifted weight off of his shoulders.
"I need to talk to you"Unfortunately the elevator stopped and Gibbon, who held a high position at the ministry, walked in. Percy straightened himself. Gibbon made him nervous, he had a lot of power over Percy, and much more control. He wanted to talk to Audrey but with Gibbon around, it was impossible.
"Reporting to fudge" Percy had replied to his question. He knew that Gibbon had his wand gripped in his pocket, ready to fling out anytime he needed."Reporting what?" Gibbon had asked with a smirk on his face. He knew exactly where Percy was going and why he was going there.
Percy knew not to say anything in front of Audrey, he could get in trouble. This was a test. He glanced at her "it's confidential" He fixed his glasses, he always fiddled with them when he was nervous.
Percy watched Audrey walk out of the elevator in a quick pace but he had to turn the other way, he had to go to Fudge. Gibbon was genuinely scary and Percy felt rather tensed up around him. He felt like all the weight that Percy had been carrying on his shoulders. Percy felt trapped.
I'm liking the short chapters. It just conveys a lot of the feelings in one scene and every chapter is a different setting and scene so it works perfectly.
What do you think is up with Percy? I just genuinely want to know lol
Aisla Wrenn Xx.

No Control | Percy Weasley
أدب الهواةPercy Weasley is a people pleaser. He had to be perfect in every way, not for himself but for others. But when his family turns their backs on him, he can only try to be better at a place where he is recognized, the Ministry of Magic, where he can p...