Chapter 8: Talking Stark

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Steve Rogers

Captain America

"So she's really alive?" Stark inquires. I had my hands behind my neck as I paced the room "Yeah. But she's changed Stark. You didn't see her." Nat places a reassuring hand on my back "It'll be fine Steve."

I sit down with teary eyes "No. It won't." I looked away and state "You should've seen her. She was so afraid of me. She wouldn't let me near her." Bucky punched the wall "God knows what Hydra did to her!!!" Barton pipes in "Or Loki, if he really is in the picture."

I rub my forehead "You're really helping me feel better guys." Sam changed the subject "Where is she now?" I barely glance up "They are looking her over in medical. They won't let me near her for the time being."

Stark crosses his arms, getting pissed "So they won't let you see her? Jade? The woman you've been mourning over for two damn years?" I glare at him with bloodshot eyes "You mean near a mentally unstable woman who has most likely been through hell trying to do what she thought was right?"

Stark finally states "I'm going to get answers. Wether it's from her or Trip." He hurries off but no one makes a move to stop him.

Tony Stark

Iron Man

I marched into her hospital room where the doctors had just left. Jade was sitting on the bed Indian style, staring at her hands. She wore Asgardian armor. "What's with the get up?" I questioned, making her jump slightly.

Jade looked up at me "Why are you here?" I sat in a chair next to the bed "Well, I find out my friend is alive after two years. I figured I'd come get answers." She looked back down at her hands "You're here. Meaning he wasn't a hallucination."

I furrowed my eyebrows "Steve?" She flinched at the mention of his name but still nodded. this girl truly was broken. "But seriously, what's up with the outfit?" Jade looked like she was debating answering or not. I guess she figured it out cause she answered me "I'm not who I thought I was. It was all a lie." The room temperature dropped tremendously as she spoke. "I'm Asgardian."

I shifted in my chair "Meaning.... what?" Jade chuckled lowly "Here's a hint. Thor's my uncle." My eyes widened "So this does have something to do with Loki." Jade nods grimly "Uh. Yeah. Turns out he's my dad. He helped me escape Hydra. He's not what you all say he is."

I rub my chin. I was still trying to digest this. "So Loki's your dad, Hydra had you, and you're an immortal goddess?" Jade picks at her finger nails "I wouldn't put it that way. But yeah. More or less."

I purse my lips. How is all this possible? But I kept talking nine the less. "You know Steve is really worried about you right now." Jade looked away, she was so different. "Hydra used him against me. They raised my hopes then crushed me. I'm just afraid that will happen again. I love him, but I can't risk it."

This girl, even in her state amazed me. The way she thought of others. "Jade," I started. "I know what you mean. Everyday I worry about Pepper. But it only shows then you love them when you're willing to take risks." Jade tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at me curiously "But he doesn't deserve a mentally disoriented demigod."

I shake my head "Don't say that. He needs you. He's in the other room beating himself up for letting you go." Jade offers a small smile "I might have made that hard for him by nailing him in the head with a vibraninum shield." I chuckle, she was still in there. Somewhere. Fighting to get out.

"He probably deserved it." I stated. Jade shook her head "No. He didn't."

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