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Zuko turned and looked Sokka in the eye, the other boy staring back. They both searched the other's eyes. Zuko's looked blank, void of emotion, almost lifeless. They were usually filled with anger or passion, but his golden eyes were empty now. Sokka's eyes were laced with concern and exhaustion. The two looked away, still silent. Zuko was frustrated. Frustrated with how he felt, frustrated with how he acted, frustrated with how he couldn't help Sokka, or say the right thing. He stood up.

"Bathroom, ill be back," Zuko said, walking out. He went to the woods. He didn't really have to use the bathroom though. He really needed to punch something. Hard. But he couldn't. He couldn't wake anyone up. His fingers itched to drag their nails down his forearm. He had to force himself to stop. Usually, he could stay calm at night, but around Sokka. . . No, it wasn't really the other boy's fault. But Sokka had to leave now. He was going to do something stupid if he stayed around the water tribe boy any longer. He walked back to the tent and Sokka immediately looked up, scanning Zuko up and down.

"I'm not that stupid," Zuko said, rolling his eyes. Sokka laughed softly. "I think I'm gonna sleep now," he said as calmly as he could. Sokka nodded, standing up.

"Tell me if you need anything." Zuko nodded shortly. Sokka seemed to hesitate for a second before he walked out, leaving Zuko alone again. The fire prince laid down in his sleeping bag and put out the lantern. He took a deep breath as he finally allowed his fingers to do what they so desired. He let out a sigh as he felt the pain and the relief coming in the form of blood dripping down his pale arms. He knew it was stupid, but he honestly hoped he wouldn't wake up. Maybe ever. And as he slipped out of consciousness, he felt at peace.


Sokka woke up later than usual, feeling exhausted. He stretched and left his tent, his hair still down. He looked around, noticing that no one was there. He sighed and went to their usual fire-pit circle, seeing a note sat on a stool with a rock placed on top. He picked it up and read it. 'Went into town to pick up magic rocks. Will be back by dinner. -Katara' Sokka shrugged. All-day to do nothing, huh. I mean they could've at least woken him up. He froze. Was Zuko awake? Did Zuko go with them? Last night. . . spirits.

Sokka's eyes widened as he remembered the night before. Had the two of them really gotten all sappy and talked about their 'feelings'- What alcohol will do to you, huh. Sokka walked over to Zuko's tent, calling his name before opening the flap. It looked as if Zuko was still asleep, wrapped up in his sleeping bag.

"Zuko~" no answer "Zuko!" Still no answer. Must be tired. Sokka shrugged and left, his mind groggy. But as he was about to enter his tent, he stopped in his tracks. Shit. He ran back to Zuko's tent.

"Zuko!" he shouted. He went to where Zuko was laying. The dark-haired boy looked like he was sleeping. Sokka shook him, the sleeping bag coming off slightly in the process. Sokka's eyes widened at the sight of Zuko's arms.

"No no no no. . ." he was panicking, and now realized how shallow Zuko's breathing was. In fact, he was barely breathing. Where was Katara when you needed her? Sokka felt like throwing up. He didn't know what to do. Someone was practically dying, and he didn't know what to do. He remembered something Suki had taught him. He rolled the fire prince onto his back, pressing on his chest in a rhythmic way with both his hands. It didn't seem to be working.

"Come on. . ." he said, continuing to try. He pushed harder, leaning all his weight onto Zuko's chest over and over. Just as it seemed to be hopeless, the fire prince breathed in suddenly, shooting up and choking. Sokka moved back. That was the most stressful thing he'd ever done. He was a shaking, breathless mess.

Zuko blinked slowly, waiting longer as the world finally stopped spinning and his vision cleared. He heard soft noises from his side and saw Sokkashaking. He grimaced and looked away. He really was the worst person. He couldn't do anything right. He couldn't even kill himself. He moved his aching arms into his lap and stared down at them. He felt a rush of emotion. Tears dripped down his face and stung the cuts. He sobbed once, quickly covering his mouth and turning away from Sokka. The fire prince sobbed into his hand. He squeezed his eyes shut as his body convulsed, the sound being muffled by his palm. He felt a hand on his back, and Sokka wrapped his arm around the other boy. The water tribe boy pulled him in closer, and Zuko gave up. He leaned against Sokka, trying and failing to stop crying. The other boy wrapped both arms around Zuko, placing his head on top of the black haired's. He felt like Katara. She'd been in this position before and he felt terrible for it. But honestly, he was just so glad Zuko was alive, he couldn't think about anything else.

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