5 | Healing

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"C'mon," Katara said. "Let's go wake up Zuko."

"Don't!" Sokka said, standing suddenly. "I mean he was asleep and said he didn't want to be disturbed and uh. . . you know what? Let me go check on him."

"Fine with me," Toph shrugged. "The less time I have to spend with that angry brat the better." Sokka ignored her and walked out, going to Zuko's tent and peeling back the flaps.

"Zuko," he asked. "You up?" Zuko shifted slightly in his sleeping bag and grunted. Sokka walked over to him and kneeled down, slowly moving to put his hand on the sleeping bag. Zuko didn't move for a second and then opened his eyes slightly, squinting. He sat up, trying not to sit up too fast and pass out again. He put his hand out to hold something and grabbed Sokka's without realizing it. He closed his eyes again for a second, breathing. When he finally opened his eyes, Sokka came into focus, a slightly surprised look still on his face. Zuko was about to ask why, but then realized that he was holding the other boy's hand. He pulled his away quickly, clearing his throat. There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Everyone just got back," Sokka said. Zuko nodded. "So how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Zuko said.


"I'm a little dizzy I guess."

"I know you're hurting, you don't have to act like you aren't." Zuko didn't say anything. He was already regretting last night and the one before. What had gotten into him that made him talk so much? He felt weak, and he couldn't stand the sad, almost pitiful look in Sokka's eyes.

"I'm fine Sokka, you can leave now," Zuko said, a bit harshly. Sokka's face dropped. Back to normal Zuko, huh. He nodded and stood up, walking out of the tent. Sokka met everyone outside. He was looking down, seemingly deep in thought. Katara tapped his shoulder. He looked up and gave her a smile, walking toward the dinner circle before she could say anything. They had brought food from town, some kind of fancy bread and cheese, and some chicken drumsticks, which Sokka hogged, along with some fruits. They all ate, seemingly famished. Sokka realized it was probably around four, meaning he had passed out for several hours. The other's had gotten back earlier than expected though, so that was nice.

They passed around stories of their day, Sokka not saying much, it'd been a rough one. When everyone seemed was finished eating, Aang and Toph walked off for their training. Sokka went over to Appa and Momo, feeding them some leftover fruit. He watched Katara put some food into a basket and walk toward Zuko's tent. He almost stopped her, but why? Why did he care? He shrugged it off and turned back to the bison and lemur.

Zuko looked up as he heard the tent flap open. He expected it to be Sokka, but to his surprise, it was Katara, holding a basket of food. He sat up quickly, steadying himself for a second. Katara came and sat next to him, cross-legged on the ground beside the sleeping bag. She took some bread out and handed it to Zuko, who nodded and ripped off a piece, chewing it.

"How are you?" she asked. Zuko winced. Considering I was half fucking dead earlier, yeah I'd day just fine.

"I'm okay," he said flatly, shoving more bread in his mouth.

"Zuko, I can sense how weak you are. I could sense it the moment I walked in." Zuko hated that. 'Weak.' He chewed his bread harder. "Just let me heal you, I know you'd feel better." Yeah right. He looked at Katara, into her blue eyes. They looked just like Sokka's. Beautiful. He softened a bit.

"Fine." Zuko put his arm out, and Katara removed the slightly bloodied wraps. Aren't these Sokka's? She furrowed her brow. As she got them both off, she tried her best not to look shocked.

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