10 | Tense

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"Sokka?" Zuko heard Aang say, opening the flap to the tent. Zuko froze, unsure of what to do, his arms still around Sokka. He met eyes with the airbender awkwardly. Aang's mouth dropped open. Zuko gave him a look and he quickly closed it, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, uh- Katara fell asleep so I came to check on Sokka!" he said, a little too loudly. Zuko shushed him.

"Sokka's asleep."

"Oh, I guess I'll go then. . ." Aang said, glancing back at the two once more before leaving. Zuko internally rolled his eyes. He pulled Sokka a bit closer, adjusting his arms. Sokka stirred for a second, his arm grabbing Zuko around the waist and burying his head a bit deeper into his chest. Zuko sighed.

They laid like that for a long time, probably hours, as the filtered light coming through the tent cloth was growing darker. Zuko felt Sokka shift around a bit. He was awake now. Zuko didn't want to say anything. He reached tentatively up to Sokka's hair and gently tugged the hair tie, letting Sokka's dark hair fall. The fire prince ran his hands through the younger boy's hair, resting his fingers gently on his head.

Sokka leaned away from Zuko's arms, looking into his eyes. Zuko sat back from the other boy, pulling his hands through Sokka's blistered ones. The water-tribe boy sat up, turning away from Zuko. The fire prince waited for a second, debating. Finally, he stood up, pushing his hand through his hair as he walked toward the entrance of the tent. He looked back at Sokka, back at his red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He felt a pang in his heart. Then he turned and left.

Sokka had almost stopped him, almost told him to stay. But he knew how that would end. And he was just being stupid. And sad. Fuck, he was sad. Sokka laid down again. His dad hadn't been there for him as a kid, but he'd always looked up to his father so much. To his leadership and bravery, Sokka wanted to impress him. He just wished they'd been able to spend more time together. And now Sokka felt even more alone. The only relative that he had left was Katara. It was just them now. Stupid fire nation. Stupid Dad. Stupid Zuko, stupid Ozai. Everything was just- so bad. It just kept getting worse, where did it stop? What else did Sokka possibly have to lose? Katara? Was he going to lose her too?


The sun filtered into the tent. Zuko still hadn't slept. He got up and walked to the river for a bath. The water was cool and refreshing. It stung the cuts on his sides, but that was okay. He rinsed his hair and dunked under the water. He could just stay here. Let go, stop breathing. . . Zuko pushed his head back out. Ignoring the thoughts, he got out and dried off. As he was about to put his shirt on, his fingers brushed over the faint marks left on his neck and chest. Zuko grimaced. He hated hickeys. He hated feeling like he was marked, carrying around something dirty, though he knew Sokka had even darker marks. He was surprised he'd even let Sokka give him any. He really had been drunk. Zuko blushed faintly as Sokka's face filled his mind. Lewd expressions and noises echoed in his head. Sokka really thought this was a big deal. It was his first time with a guy, wasn't it? Zuko guessed it made sense then. He tried not to think of it as much. It was just sex, the same as any other time, except Sokka was a guy, like Xian. He winced as the thought crossed his mind.

Zuko put his clothes back on, he walked back to the campsite, stopping at Sokka's tent. He peeked his head in. The other boy was sprawled face down on his sleeping bag, a corked jar-pitcher thing laying on its side near him. It reeked of alcohol. Zuko walked over and shook him.

"Sokka. . . Sokka." The other boy stirred slightly. "C'mon get up," Zuko said, bringing Sokka to sit up. Sokka looked at him and then grimaced, leaning suddenly against Zuko's chest.

"Head. . . hurts," Sokka groaned. Zuko rolled his eyes. He pushed Sokka off his chest, going to get some water. He came back and handed the jar to Sokka, who drank from it, some of the liquid missing his mouth.

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