Chapter 2: Hair Burning

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She made it to class before the ending break rung so she was early. She chose a desk in the front after Ms. Galvin said she could sit anywhere. She got everything she needed out and got ready. The bell rung and students began to fill the room and set up there stuff. Ms. Galvin walked out of the room then returned holding a handsome, blonde haired boy's hand. 

"Mr. Sencen you can take a seat behind Mr. Dizzinee over there" The boy tossed his hair and Sophie saw the worlds prettiest eyes. They were a beautiful ice blue. She stopped staring before she was caught and moved her gaze to Ms. Galvin.

"Alright class today we are going to be mixing Chemical A and Chemical C" Sophie groaned internally.

 5 mins later (I'm lazy)

Suddenly her mixture exploded, luckily it only got a bit on her wrist but she may have accidentally burned a bit of Ms. Galvin's hair.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Galvin!" She panicked a little bit before Ms. Galvin sighed and said

 "Mr. Sencen will you please take Her Highness to the healing center?" The boy smirked and nodded and came with her as she began her walk down. 

"Uhh your going the wrong way..?"

"Oh am I? I'm sorry!" She replied politely. He took her arm and led her the other way, she blushed faintly in response. 

"Soo.. What did Ms. Galvin mean by 'Your Highness'" he asked.

"Oh umm"

"It's ok you can tell me later" She nodded in response. Her bodyguards trailed behind her like an army. 

"I'm going to guess that you are someone important I mean why else would you have 6 bodyguards tailing you all the time."

"Yeah I guess I kinda am "Bo scoffed. Sophie turned her head around and gave him her best death glare, which shut him up fast. Tarnina snorted a quiet laugh and Sandor and Sophie both rolled their eyes.

"So uhhh what's your name?" She asked the blonde.

"Keefe, you?"


"Does Sophie have a last name?"

"I don't know, but does Keefe have a last name?"

"Sencen. But you didn't answer my question."

"Foster. Sophie Foster"

Keefe stopped walking, "Whoa whoa whoa. Like Princess Sophie Foster?!" She nodded in response.

"So should I bow to you or something?"

"No but please keep quiet about it"He nodded in response and they arrived at the healing center.Sophie paled at the sight but Keefe led her in. 

"Hey Elwin."

"Keefe did you ditch again and decide to come bother me?"

"Not today!"

 "What is it then?" Someone came in from another room. He looked like a made scientist with his weird glasses and messed up hair.

"Oh! Your highness my apologies!" He dropped into a bow.

"Oh! No need but please call me Sophie."

"Alright then what can I do for you today?" 

"She burned off a bit of Ms. Galvin's hair and-"

Elwin cracked up.

"Sorry continue," he said after he was finished.

"And got a little on her wrist."

"It should be fine it isn't that bad"

"Well lets have a look"He gently grabbed her wrist and Sandor eyed him carefully.

"It's definitely worse then it looks but nothing that some of my burn cream can't handle! Oh and Keefe you can head back to class now."He added after he smeared on the cold sticky cream.

 "No thanks I need to make sure Fosters okay"

"She should be fine now please be on your way Mr. Sencen" Keefe sighed and winked at Sophie as he left.

"Once I had to chase him out with a broom" Sophie laughed quietly, 


"Oh boy yes it can get quite annoying"

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