Chapter 10

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Sophie was not ok. It was not fair to be treated that way. But she didn't tell anyone and if it wasn't for Bi and Linh she wouldn't of told anyone. She'd been bullied before. When she was 10 her parents tried to get her to make friends with a girl named Ally. She was a demon! She would act all nice in front of adults but be a real jerk around anyone else. She tormented Sophie every day of her life until someone said something about it and that someone was Biana. Biana's father Alden brought her to Bucking Ham Palace once and they had tried to see if Sophie, Biana and Ally got along, long story short Ally was recorded and was kicked out of the palace. But Sophie never dared to say anything. She never stuck up for herself but one day she saw Linh being bullied by someone on one of her visits to town and she stuck up for her. They had been besties ever since. Sophie sighed thinking of a way she could cheer herself up. She had a horse competition that weekend in California and she could prepare for it would definitely help take her mind off things. She went to her closet and chose her riding outfit which were a tan pair of breeches and a formal black shirt, she put on a pair of long black riding socks to match. Now she just needed Silveny to look the part.

20 mins later

Sophie's earbuds blasted the song Breaking Me into her eardrums as she hopped Silveny over some small fences before dismounting and taking them out. 

"Hey Flori do you mind holding her while I set these jumps up?"

"Alright!" Flori sang to Silveny as Sophie put up 3 fences one up to a meter ten, one up to a meter 15 and finally a meter 20 fence. She counted the rhythm of Silveny's hooves hitting the soft sand as she gracefully hopped over the fences. After she went around a few times she patted Silveny endlessly.

"Good girl!" She praised.

"Looking alright out there" A deep voice called. Sophie looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with a beautiful pair of ice blue eyes.

"Hey Keefe" She smiled,

"Hey Foster. Lookin good!"

"Thanks! But Silveny here is the real champ."

"When will you start giving yourself some credit?"

"Probably never" Sandor jumped in,

Sophie rolled her eyes.

"I was about to take her out on a trail wanna join?" She asked him.

"Why not? Who do you want me on?"

"Flori? Can you please help Keefe tack up Soul?"

"Ooh spooky name! You tryin to kill me Foster?"

"Yeah, He totally isn't the nicest horse here!" She joked.

5 mins later.

"Ready to go Foster?"

"I've been waiting foreverrrrr"

They started out on the trail.

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