Chapter 8- ??

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"Good afternoon class! Today we will be learning about some successful assassination attempts!" Sophie groaned inside.

"Yes Ms. Heks?"

"Can we learn about the king and queens assassination from 10 years ago?" Sophie paled. The teacher grinned as she said 

"Ms. Heks that is a great idea does anyone have any ideas what could of happened?"

"Sophie knows! She was there"

Stina said evilly.

"Alright your highness go ahead."

"Don't you see what your doing?! Your asking her to relive her parents death!!" Biana and Linh interjected along with Ro, Tarnina and Flori.

"I-it's ok. I'm going to have to relive it some day" Sophie answered.

"I was 5 and I was playing with my mother Queen Emma and guards came in with my dad, he-" her voice cracked on almost every word and she was fighting back tears 

"he rushed to us saying that there's been a break in and then there was a gunshot and a few guards dropped dead and one was injured. One of the fake guards grabbed us and told my parents to hand over the crown or we'll die.." 

finally the tears broke free and Biana and Linh jumped up and escorted her out of the class room.

"Principal Leto will be hearing about this immediately!" Biana snapped and they began their walk to the office.


Art was one of his favorite classes so he was a little annoyed when the teacher paused the class and went outside to see what all the commotion was about. Keefe heard heartbreaking sobs from outside and when Ms. Oralie returned he asked what was wrong, "It's not my secret to tell" she said her voice cracking.


Sorry I know this is unrealistic and short!

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