Chapter 7 Bets

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Time skip.

"Oh know what did you do?" Bi asked her at school on Monday.

"Ballroom dancing."

"Pay up Linh!" Marella squealed

"You seriously bet on this?"Linh nodded and groaned as she passed the 20 over to Marella. Sophie rolled her eyes and continued hobbling on her crutches.

"Whoa Foster what ya do?"

Sophie glared at Biana and mouthing 'don't you dare!' Of course she didn't listen,

"Alex made her ballroom dance and she tripped!" They all started laughing until Keefe asked

"Your ok right?"

"Yeah but in my defence I was wearing heels!"

"So this is who our new queen is going to be? Some freaky orphan who can't even walk in heels? Much less dance!" Stina interrupted, with Fitz right beside her, his teal eyes looked apologetic but Sophie didn't care, she spun around the best she could and hobbled away, not willing to cause a fight and the rest of the gang followed her.

Keefe's Pov

Wait wait wait adopted!? Foster was adopted? Wait actually that makes sense I mean why else would she have a different last name then her parents?"Hey Foster what's your next class?"

"History how bout you?"

"Art" He met her beautiful golden eyes which he could get lost in forever but quickly broke his gaze once he realized he was staring, luckily she didn't seem to notice. Unfortunately the bell rung

"Cya Foster!"

She waved goodbye and hobbled away with Biana, Linh and her bodyguards on her tail.

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