Chapter 3- Drama in paradise

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After 5 more mins the bell rang and Elwin said she could be on her way to her next class.

After 2 classes-

Sophie looked around and saw Biana waving her over.

"Over here!" She called over the loud students. She hurried over. And saw her boyfriend Fitz, her cousin Dex, Marella and her other friends Linh and Tam.

"Hey guys."

 "How was Chemistry?" Linh asked, eager to hear what happened. Before Sophie could get a word in Dex said 

"She burned Ms. Galvins hair!!"

 "Omg rly!?" Biana laughed. Sophie nodded quietly.

"Chemistry is not Blondie's specialty is it now?" Ro, her pink haired bodyguard chimed in.

"Nope and it never will be!" Dex joked.

"Hey Babe, whose the new girl?" A tall girl with Navy blue eyes walked over and flared at Sophie.

"B-Babe?" Sophie asked shocked and on the verge of tears.

"WAIT YOU AND STINA ARE A THING!?" Biana and Marella screamed.

"Me and Fitz have been a thing for a little more than a year now." Stina grinned evilly."How... How could you!?" Tears began to stream down her face as she looked to Fitz and saw saddness and a bit of regret in his teal eyes.

"Ohh so this must be the princess.. Your way to power and fortune. If only she was prettier like me she might of stood a chance with you Fitzy" 

"Fitz! Is this all true!?" Linh shouted and all the students in the cafeteria went quiet as they watched the show go down. Fitz nodded twice.

"Come on Soph, lets go" Marella said seeing her tears she lead her to the bathroom closest to Sophie's next class

."That jerk of a brother!" Biana yelled. "Even he wouldn't sink this low. I mean he hates Stina! We all do"

"It's ok Soph he didn't deserve you anyways" Linh comforted.

"How bout we ditch the rest of school and we all go on a nice trail ride? Sound good?" Marella asked. Sophie nodded, not trusting her voice. They all left the bathroom and quickly left the school. "Call Jack please" Biana told Sandor, He nodded in response.


Sorry I'm late for publishing! 

I hope you guys are enjoying this and,


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