Chapter 11- Pain

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"So uhh Foster" Keefe started


Keefe Sencen

Come on Keefe just tell her!

Him and Biana had practiced what he would say every chance they got .

"I uh like you" he blurted then mentally smacked himself.

"What do you mean?" She asked him

"I well like like you" he saw her face heat up as he said it and began to worry that she didn't like him back.

"I like like you to" she smiled.

"Come on just kiss already!!" Ro shouted,

Sophie shrugged her shoulders and leaned in and then Keefe felt the softness of her lips and immediately kissed her back.

Sophie's POV

 Time Skip to the show

"Alright Silv I'll see you in Cali" Sophie said softly to the scared creature.

"Bye Soph! Good luck!" Bi called.

"Cya on Monday!" Keefe called after her as she stepped into the plane. Sophie slept all of the way there and once they arrived she hurried to get Silveny out of her stall on the plane.

"Here we are girly" she cooed. She gave her a kiss on her soft muzzle and led her out and hand walked her.

"Tomorrow we compete. Today we relax" Sophie said.

Time skip to next day because why not.

Sophie urged Silveny on to the warm up fence trying to get a better stride in

"Middle vertical!" She called once she had the striding. Silveny leaped over it with such grace.

"Good girl!" She said as she brought her to a walk.

"Sophie in deck, Tia in 1.." Sophie tuned out the rest of the noise as she walked Silveny out to the gate.

"And a lovely performance done by Stacy Flier and Trotting Down" The announcer said as a young woman walked out of the arena. Sophie gathered up her reins and brought Silveny in and picked up a flowing trot preparing to canter. "Number 757 is Her Highness Sophie Foster and Silver Pegasus!" A buzzer rang meaning that her 40 seconds to get on course had started. Silveny hopped over the fences quickly and Sophie counted her rhythm and before they knew it they were on the last fence, Silveny took off perfectly.

Keefe Sencen

"So how do they decide the winner?" Keefe asked Biana while they were waiting for Sophie to go.

"By time and number of faults" Biana said before turning back to the tv.

"And what is a fault?" Dex beat Keefe to the question.

"Number of poles knocked down, duh" She talked about it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh here she is!" Linh squealed as she pointed to the TV.

They all watched intensely as Sophie and Silveny did there course.

"Final fence final fence" Biana mumbled as Sophie approached a terrifying looking fence. Silveny leaped so gracefully that it looked like nothing could go wrong but everything went so horribly wrong. Suddenly a gunshot went off and a blood chilling scream came from the tv as Sophie fell to the ground nearly getting trampled. People rushed to help and a curtain covered Sophie and the tv switched to a commercial. Keefe stared at the tv in shock before snapping out of it and pulling out his phone.

"OMG DID SHE GET SHOT!?" Biana screamed looking on the verge of tears.

Keefe pulled out YouTube and googled the competitions name. "It's live on YouTube!" He said pulling it up.

"She's behind a curtain we can't see it" Linh cried.


A gunshot went and pain shot through Sophie's side as she fell to the ground with a chilling scream. Silveny's hoof crush her arm and then she blacked out.

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