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  Jungkook arrived at Yoongi's door perhaps a tad earlier than seven o'clock. By the time six came, he was already hungry himself and exhausted from today. He was emotionally and physically tired. And he knew he would fall asleep and never wake back up if he were to rest in his own dorm. So, he picked up noodles (to go) for two and a few extra sides, and picked out a basic iced coffee for Yoongi, then he made his way to the dorms quickly.

  So many eyes were on him the whole day. When Yoongi opened his dorm room door, Jungkook was expecting him to give him the same look. Fear and confusion. Instead, he only got the confused expression when Yoongi looked up at him, seeing a small bruise on his jaw.

  "Wow. When I asked for food, I didn't mean for you to fight it from someone." Yoongi took the coffee and the plastic bag from Jungkook as he held it up. Jungkook eyed the shorter in amusement as he quickly let him in.

  "You live under a rock or something?" He asked Yoongi, who was busy staring at his jaw in disbelief. Jungkook had disappeared this morning and returned with a bruised face. He didn't blame Yoongi for being lost. But then again, every student was talking about him. So how had Yoongi not found out?

  "No." Yoongi blinked a few times and then added "Does it hurt?" to his concern.

  Jungkook shook his head. "The other guy looks a lot worse than me, you know." He furrowed his eyebrows as Yoongi nodded his head, seeming to remember that this is Jeon Jungkook he's talking to right now.

  "Wait.." Yoongi slowly sipped his iced coffee and then set it back down on his desk, which was placed underneath his loft. "Don't tell me that you beat Woo-chang's ass."

  Of course he did.

  "His busted lip and bright bruises look perfect with his asshole-looking face." Jungkook watched as Yoongi pulled out two to-go boxes and then he laughed at Jungkook's statement. Jungkook reached out for one box and took it from him, trying not to watch him laughing for whatever reason. "Uh, there's a few things in there. Noodles, steak, vegetables."

  Yoongi ooed at the sound of that. "Chang deserves every punch to that stupid face of his."  He lost his breath at the sight of the food. "Damn. This looks pleasing to the eye." Pleasing to the eye? Jungkook let out a dry laugh as Yoongi sat down in his desk chair. "You can pull Jin's chair over here."

  Jungkook stared in confusion. He obviously didn't want to stand and eat. He also didn't think about the fact that he would have to eat his dinner next to Yoongi. Instead of questioning any of it, he walked to the other side of the dorm and pulled Seokjin's chair right next to Yoongi's. Only then, when his long sleeve brushed against Yoongi's t-shirt did he suddenly remember this morning.

  He wouldn't apologize for something that Yoongi didn't know that Jungkook did. And Jungkook wouldn't tell him he did it. He would just forget it all together.

  Yoongi hummed as he slurped his noodles, causing Jungkook to stop fiddling with his own food for a moment. "You act like you haven't eaten all day." He didn't miss the look on Yoongi's face when he said that. He looked as if he had been caught or something.

  "I've not done anything today." Yoongi mumbled lowly. He poked his chopsticks at his steak and vegetables. "I was busy."

  "Too busy to eat?" Jungkook asked, not even really meaning to. Yoongi nodded.

  "I was thinking about switching my major." He stated. Jungkook suddenly realized that he knew absolutely nothing about Yoongi. Not even what he was studying in this hell. "I realize that I love music, but it wouldn't be so bad to have chosen to study just psychology instead." He shrugged to himself.

  Oh, so Yoongi is in music. Jungkook had thought of that at one point. He had taken a short time of his life to study everything at some point. He takes interest in it all.

  "Money's over there." Yoongi changed the subject back to business as he tilted his head over at Seokjin's own desk. Jungkook hadn't even seen it whenever he was getting his chair. "I put it there in hopes that hyung would come in and I could make him think that the money was his. Should've known that guy was gonna crash somewhere else again." He said.

  Jungkook tilted his head away from his food, his leg brushing against Yoongi's only slightly as he did so. He moved further away and then smacked his lips together in frustration as he suddenly realized something.

  "I forgot my pajamas." He groaned. Yoongi chuckled as he kept chewing his mouthful of food. Jungkook leaned back in his chair and sighed. "I could always sleep in hyung's bed naked, you know. He wouldn't know."

  Yoongi's eyes widened as he swallowed his food thickly. "No." He hit his chopsticks against his foam plate. "I'm paying you to block the bed. Not to make Seokjin pout at me."

  Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "You're paying me to what?" He slurped his noodles and eyed Yoongi. Yoongi filled his own mouth with his food, trying his best to not have to speak, clearly. Jungkook just hummed to himself as he finished his own dinner quickly, deciding to let it go and not question him anymore.

  "Just wear some of my pajamas." Yoongi said after they both threw their finished dishes into the garbage. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at the thought of that. "Ah, don't be such a kid about it." Yoongi said as he looked through some of his clothes, which looked very similar to the type of clothes Jungkook wears sometimes. Yoongi had a few more colors than he did, but it was still similar.

  "You're too.." Jungkook tilted his head as he took in Yoongi's body. He was slim, not really muscled up. His body, from what he remembers, was small and felt squishy. Felt soft instead of stiff with much muscle. Jungkook was probably staring too long at the back of Yoongi. His body had him confused. It felt nothing like Ava's. How did he confuse the two this morning?

  "Too what?" Yoongi turned to Jungkook, his lips parted and his dark eyes boring into Jungkook's as he waited for an answer.

  Jungkook gestured at Yoongi. "Small."

  Yoongi's lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed as he turned back around. "Nuh-uh." He took out some gray sweatpants and held them up for Jungkook with a small smile. "I wear bigger clothes. These will fit." He closed his closet and looked back at Jungkook's shirt. "You can sleep in that. You'll live."

  Yoongi stepped forward and gave Jungkook the pants. He clearly stepped a little too close because his features were so there. Jungkook blinked in confusion as Yoongi brushed by him and started to crawl up into his bed.

  "Yeah.." Jungkook mumbled. "Okay."


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