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"You seem a little distracted." Yoongi had been watching Jungkook for a good minute now. He was staring at the ceiling, obvious that thoughts were running through his mind. Yoongi was trying his best to go to sleep but he could basically feel Jungkook's overwhelming scattered concerns all over the place.

Jungkook turned to him with a surprised look on his face. His face wasn't nearly as scary as Yoongi thought it would be up close. The whole campus knew not to mess with bad boy Jungkook. The Jeon Jungkook, who all girls swoon over and all guys tend to hate for just that. Jungkook has had many quarrels with students and teachers, but for some reason he hasn't been questioned or kicked out.

  And Yoongi had only seen him once in person before, and a few times through photos that Jimin would gossip about. But Jungkook in person was not nearly as bad as Yoongi had expected at all. It seemed as if he was lost. Not bad like everyone had declared freely. Do they really even know him enough to say that he's a bad person? Or should Yoongi even trust his own feeling to say that he isn't bad?

And he probably had his reasons for the things he does, just like Yoongi has reasons for the things that he does. But maybe Jungkook is bad because he sees himself as bad. Or maybe everyone makes him think he is. There's no way he can be. If he's cared enough to comfort Yoongi and to go out of his way to make sure Jin is with him.. Jungkook isn't so bad.

Yoongi doesn't know what he is exactly, but it isn't the bad boy he thinks he is.

"Me?" Jungkook turned his head against his own pillow, the pillow that hadn't left Yoongi's room since a week ago when Jungkook had started sleeping next to him. "Me? I'm not distracted. I'm just.." Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek as he turned away. "trying to fall asleep." He turned back to Yoongi, turning his whole body this time, the sound of the bed creaking and then Jungkook settling down.

They were content with facing each other like this. Neither of the two seemed to be moving away, and Jungkook's eyes were set on Yoongi's flawless face. Yoongi couldn't help but glance away as Jungkook scanned him. But he moved his body forward and pressed his knee against Jungkook's, trying to test how much skin contact Jungkook would allow.

  Pure curiosity.

To his surprise, Jungkook reached from under the blanket and grabbed at Yoongi's lower thigh and pulled Yoongi closer, drawing his leg up and over his own. Jungkook pressed their bodies closer together and smiled with a hint of mischief displayed on his face as Yoongi tried to understand what was really happening.

"You wanted to cuddle?" Jungkook asked, his voice deeper and somehow quieter than usual. That's another thing Yoongi had noticed about Jungkook. He seems to be very quiet. Yoongi nodded, simply. He had no other reason to be doing what he was doing. "Well, you're not really gonna pay me to just sleep here, are you?" Jungkook pulled his leg closer.

He was now fully embraced by Jungkook. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Yoongi's waist and just held him there. Yoongi was flustered, but he reached up to tangle his fingers into Jungkook's soft curls. Jungkook merely hummed at the feeling, pleased as Yoongi started to play with his hair.

"Feels nice, hyung." Jungkook whispered. And with that, they both set off to asleep.

hhh im genuinely having fun with this story lmao anyways here's a short fluffy moment to ease ur soul <3

hold me, never let me go | Yoonkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now