Chapter 8

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Max parked his black sedan car. He got of the car, he observe the motel Benjamin is stay in. By the looks of things Max could see that Motel is not suitable for Benjamin. Max locks his car. He sees a group of men gambling, others drink alcohol, loud music playing on the speakers. He walked towards the entrance, he meets a two muscular men throwing out a drunk man out of the motel.

One of the men kicks the man. He walks in side the untidy reception desk, a old man sat on chair, he looked bored as he browse the magazine.

Max clears his throat. "Excuse, sir." He said as he gets to grab the attention of the old man.

The old man looks at Max, he immediately drop the magazine and put on a smile. "Welcome at Lucia Motel, were we offer the best experience in town. This motel was once ranked number one in the hospitality industry."

Max nodded as he looks at the surrounding, he can see this motel was poorly maintained, the floor had stains, the couch opposite the reception desk had holes.

"Well, I'm not looking for a place to crash in." Max informed.

The old man smiled. "Oh, I see you're here for the exotic experience. Which type do you like as we have a Asians girls, African girls, European girls, or Latin American girls."

Max looks confused. "What place is this? Are you a motel or a brothel?" Max ask, as he looks confused.

"We offer all types of services here."

Max takes out his phone from his leather jacket, he open it.

"I'm looking for this fellow. He recently moved in here." Max shows the old man a photo of Benjamin.

The old man nods. "Oh, you're here you on of our big spender. Hey, this guy is really loaded huh? He and his girlfriend are always drinking."


"Yes, her name is Sandra, she a hot lady I tell you."

Max wonders what more surprises will he see when he meets Benjamin. The old man kept talking about the history of the motel, who it's currently owner had destroyed the once popular motel. Now the motel housed fugitives, undocumented immigrants, prostitutes.

"Sorry to cut you off. Er, can tell me the room number?"

The two muscular men returned inside, the old man looks nervous.

"Is there a problem here?" One of the muscular men asks, he looks at Max suspiciously.

"No, it all good." The old man replied as he looks at book near him. "Oh, found it. He's in room number 10."

"Thanks." M

Max walks towards the stair. He felt a violent grab on his hand, he looks at the muscular man grabbing his hand.

"I'm watching you." The man said  as he lets go of Max's hand.

Max continue walking on the   stairs, he reaches the passage. He strobe slowly as he looks at the door numbers on both side. Max reach number 10. He hears rock music playing inside the room. He knocks violently on the door. The door is opened by a white lady with black hair, she wore a black T-shirt and white short. The lady had a slender build.

"What the do you want?" Sandra asked, as she looks annoyed.

"Benjamin." Max said as he pushes Sandra in aside. Max walks inside the house.

"Hey, you can't walk in here like that. It my house!" She complained, as she follows Max who walks the lounge. Benjamin looks surprised to see Max.

The lounge had decent furniture, the table had empty beers bottles and two full bottles and a pack of cigarette.

"Max?" He said, as he turns down the volume. "What a surprise. How did you find me?"

"Babe, you know this guy?" Sandra says as she point at Max.

Benjamin nods.

"Can I speak to Benjamin alone."

"Hell no, who do you think you're to come in my house and make instruct me what to do." Sandra complained.

"It fine. She can stay." Benjamin said.

Max sat on the couch opposite Benjamin, while Sandra moved and sat near Benjamin.

"You had us worried. You just disappeared. What's going on, Ben."

"I needed some time alone."

"Ben, we need you at the company. You can't waste your life in places like this."

"Excuse me, you think you're better than us huh? You can't come here and disrespect us." Sandra roared.

"Sandra, calm down." Benjamin said.

"No, Ben. Your friend is out of order."

Ben takes a sip on the beer. Ben shakes his head.

"Max, to be honest with you I'm done with Clark Solutions." He confirmed.

Max looked shocked.

"I don't wanna die like Mr Clark. Can't you see that is business is getting more dangerous for us. First it was Rose and the other colleagues, then Mr Clark. Who's going to be next? Well I don't wanna be next."

"You are dumping us at a time of need? How selfish of you." Max said, as he looks frustrated.

"Thanks to my lovely girlfriend here, she made me see things in a different light. I'm officially no longer a member of Clark Solutions."

Sandra smiles as Benjamin kisses her on the cheek.

Max sighed. "Mr Clark would be disappointed of you."

"Listen here, for once in my life I'm doing what I want. No one will tell me to do anything. Even you too, Max."

Max stood up and turned around.

"Bye loser." Sandra teased.

Max turned and glance at Sandra who's hand was around Benjamin.

Max felt powerless, as he walk out of the lounge.


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