Chapter 13

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Morgan blew out the smoke of the cigarette out of his mouth. He  taps his finger on the table as he watches Jackson, who was seated opposite him. The mood in the room was tense as they both remain silent, they just gazed at each other.

Morgan could sense the tension between him and Jackson was still there. He knew Jackson couldn't be trust after the death of Luke, it wasn't going to easy to mend the relationship between the two men. Jackson was still hurting from what Morgan did to Luke, forgiving him for taking away his friend wasn't going to happen anytime soon. He tried his best to pretend everything was well but Morgan knew he was just pretending, that made him more of a threat to Morgan.

The door opened. Trigger and a man in a black leather jacket entered the office. A smile appeared on Morgan face.

"Ah, Trigger and my nephew, who did my favorite nephew do his first hit?" Morgan inquired as he placed the cigarette on the ashtray.

Trigger and the nephew walk and stand near Jackson. Trigger looks at the nephew. He wanted to tell his boss about the mistake his nephew did at the cemetery but he didn't want to disappoint Morgan. Trigger looked at his boss with calmness.

"Well, he did okay for a starter. With time he will be a deadly killer."

"That's my nephew, Alex my boy."
Morgan he took his waking cane, he stood up and walked towards his nephew, Alex.

Morgan hugs his Alex, he sees the bruises on Alex's face. "And then?"

Both Trigger and Alex look at each other then look at Morgan

"Uncle, you know me I like to get physical with people. I had a fight with the target." Alex says jokingly.

Morgan smiles. "That's my nephew." Morgan says as he smiles.

Morgan sees Alex as his own son. Alex had a tough upbringing, his father was an alcoholic; he abused his mother and him. Morgan found out what  Alex's father was doing to his sister and his nephew, he murdered Alex's father. Till today Alex's father's body has never been found.

Morgan wanted to groom Alex to enter him in the contract killing business, he saw Alex as his successor if he retires or die on the job.

"Alex, this business needs you to be tough and heartless, can you be that?" Morgan asked.

"Sure, uncle, I'm ready for it. I'm hungry to do more job for you." Alex says with eagerness in his voice.

"That's my boy." Morgan says as he hugs him again.

Morgan walks back to his chair. He looks at his men.

"Jackson meet Alex, my nephew. He's the one going to take Luke's place in the company."

Jackson looks at Alex. "Welcome to hell." Jackson says extended his hand for a handshake.

Alex shakes  his hand.

"Easy now, no need to scare, my nephew."

Jackson giggles. "Relax, I'm just messing around with your nephew. Let's hope he really prepared for this job."

"Well, for your information I was born ready. I'll do a better job than that loser called Luke." Alex says with arrogance in his tone.

Jackson looked offended. Morgan smiles.

"Nice one, Alex." Morgan says as he laughs.

Trigger gives warning looked Jackson not to respond.


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