Chapter 6:The Fellowship of the Ring

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The translations in this chapter will be at the bottom:)

~ The Departure~

Elrond is speaking outside in Rivendell, "The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom and you who travel with him," as the fellowship is standing in front of him Elrond looks to each of them, "no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will," Aragorn smiles at Arwen who drops her head as Elrond continues, "Farewell. Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves, " Elrond looks at Rhiannon and Legolas faintly smiling at Rhiannon, "and men" looking at Boromir, "and all free folk" ,looking at Gimli, "go with you." Elrond raises his hand and gestures for them to leave.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer." Gandalf states clearly as he looks at Elrond. Frodo looks nervously around and turns to walk through the arches.
"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right ?" Frodo asks as he walks up to Gandalf joining the fellowship.
"Left." Gandalf replies placing a hand on Frodo's shoulder. Frodo leads out, Gandalf, Gimli, Boromir, Pippin, Merry, Legolas, Sam... Aragorn pauses and looks back at Arwen. They exchange a longing glance. Aragorn smiles, nods his head, and follows the others. Arwen swallows and bows her head holding back tears.
"Goodbye, father." Rhiannon smiles giving him a hug and then hugging Arwen before quickly catching up to the others.
"Frodo, how's your shoulder?" Gandalf asks Frodo as the Fellowship leaves Rivendell.
"Better than it was." Frodo answered, truthfully.
"And the Ring? You feel its power growing, don't you? I've felt it too. You must be careful now. Evil will be drawn to you from outside the Fellowship... and, I fear, from within." Gandalf explained.
"Who then, do I trust?" Frodo asked Gandalf a little scared that he would say no one.
"You must trust yourself. Trust your own strengths." Gandalf replied.
"What do you mean?" Frodo asked.
"There are many powers in this world, for good or for evil. Some are greater than I am. And against some, I have not yet been tested." Gandalf sighed as the fellowship trudged on towards the fate that lay out before them.
"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us." Gandalf says as Sam takes sausages from a frying pan on an open fire, "and there our road turns east to Mordor." Sam walks over with the plate to Frodo who is sitting watching Merry and Pippin practice sword fighting with Boromir. Aragorn looks on also smoking a pipe while Rhiannon sharpens what knives she didn't get sharpened back in Rivendell.
"Good, very good." Boromir compliments as he continues to practice with Pippin.
"Move your feet." Aragorn instructed.
"You look good Pippin." Merry smiles, complimenting his cousin.
"Thanks" Pippin says looking over his shoulder at Merry as Merry decides to join the practice, Sam and Frodo look on grinning as they know it will be a pleasant sight to watch.
"Your better watch yourself Boromir! Those two will take ya out before you even know what hit you." Rhiannon states as she watches them practice trying to intimidate Boromir and boost Merry and Pippin's confidence. Legolas stands near where Rhiannon is sitting, keeping watch.
"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note that they're not, I'd say that we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." Gimli, who is sitting behind them on the rock near Gandalf, dictates.
"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Gandalf explained as Legolas runs in front of them and stands and stares at a grey cloud in the distance. Gandalf pauses to follow his eyes. Meanwhile, Boromir's sword slips and he cuts Pippin's hand with his sword. Pippin drops his sword.
"ARGH!" Pippin cries out in pain, while Rhiannon quickly gets to Pippin's side. Bandaging his hand quickly.
"Sorry!" Boromir apologizes as he steps forward to look at Pippin's hand. After Rhiannon finishes binding his hand Pippin pays Boromir back by kicking him in the leg.
"Get him!" Merry exclaims as he throws himself at Boromir. The two hobbits wrestle Boromir to the ground and jump on him. Aragorn and Rhiannon look on in amusement.
"For the Shire. Hold him, hold him down Merry!" Pippin demands while Boromir just laughs.
"Gentlemen, that's enough!" Aragorn demands getting up and taking hold of the hobbits. Merry and Pippin grab Aragorn's legs, throwing him backwards onto the ground with a thud.
"You've got my arm... argh!... you've got my arm." Pippin cries.
Sam stands up and notices a cloud looking like dark specks is moving towards them. "What is that?" Sam asks pointing to the dark cloud with specks.
"Nothing, its just a whisp of cloud." Gimli explains not thinking much of it.
"Its moving fast.... against the wind." Boromir adds as he pauses, looking from the scuffle.
"Crebain! From Dudland!" Legolas exclaims as he realizes what it is that is coming towards them.
"Hide!" Rhiannon demands as she runs to grabbing her nearest sword reading herself if needed.
"Hurry!" Boromir adds.
"Frodo! Take cover!" Aragorn exclaims as he grabs his sword.They all run gathering their things and dousing the fire, and dash under the rocks out of sight.
After the great flock of black crows fly over then, circle and then fly off the Fellowship emerges from their hiding places,

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