Chapter 9:To Much Blood Has Been Spent

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~ The Heir of N�menor~

It is night and Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Rhiannon and Gimli are resting by a camp fire. Gandalf is looking towards the East. Aragorn and Rhiannon move to join him.

"The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dur, his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumor has reached him. The heir of Numenor still lives." Gandalf explains as he looks at Aragorn and Rhiannon.
"Sauron fears you, Aragorn. And Rhiannon too. He fears what you both may become. And so he'll strike hard and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and therein lies our first challenge......for Rohan is weak and ready to fall." Gandalf explains shaking his head, "The king's mind is enslaved, it's an old device of Saruman's. His hold over King Theoden is now very strong. Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose. But for all their cunning......we have one advantage." They look at each other, "The Ring remains hidden. And that we should seek to destroy it......has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards the hands of a Hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed......and the secrecy of his quest." Aragorn looks worried and guilty as does Rhiannon.
"Do not regret your decisions to leave him. Frodo must finish this task alone."
"He's not alone. Sam went with him." Rhiannon explains looking down at her hands, "Though I should have went with and not let them both go alone."
"Did he? Did he, indeed? Good." Gandalf nods and smiles, "Yes, very good."
Rhiannon looks up at the stars and wishes that both Sam and Frodo make it alive because if they do not how is she going to break it to Bilbo or anyone else for that matter.

~ The Black Gate is Closed~

Frodo and Sam follow Gollum to the edge of a rock, which overlooks Morannon. Gollum trying to shield his face states, "The Black Gate of Mordor." As they look down they see huge black imposing gates
"Oh, save us. My old Gaffer would have a thing or two to say if he could see us now." Sam laughs slightly
"Master says to show him the way into Mordor. So good Smeagol does, master says so." Gollum explains.
"I did." Frodo remarked as they see that orcs are patrolling the top of the gates
"That's it, then. We can't get past that." Sam sighs as an army of Easterlings is approaching to the right of them. A horn sounds, and the great trolls on top of the gate, start to pull it open
"Look! The gate. It's opening! I can see a way down." Sam exclaims as he edges forward on the rock he is leaning on. Suddenly it breaks and Sam falls
"Sam, no! "Frodo scrambles down the scree face after Sam
"Master!" Gollum screams as two of the Easterling guards notice dust and moving rubble. They walk towards the scree face to investigate. Sam's legs are trapped in the scree, and Frodo cannot pull him out. As the Easterlings approach, he quickly throws his elven cape over them both. They see the feet of the Easterlings from underneath it. To the Easterlings, they see nothing but a rock. They stand a while, then move back to join the rest of their troop.
"I do not ask you to come with me, Sam." Frodo explains to Sam rather rudely.
"I know, Mr. Frodo. I doubt even these Elvish cloaks will hide us in there." Sam replies as they get ready to run before the gates close.
"Now!" Frodo exclaims but Gollum grabs hold of him, so he falls back
"No! No! No, master! They catch you! They catch you! Don't take it to him. He wants the precious. Always he is looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him. But we mustn't let him have it." Gollum explains hastily but Frodo just ignores him and tries to run again
"No!There's another way. More secret. A dark way." Gollum tries as he holds Frodo back
"Why haven't you spoken of this before?" Sam asked.
"Because master did not ask." Gollum replies.
"He's up to something." Sam tells Frodo but Frodo does not really listen.
"Are you saying there's another way into Mordor?" Frodo asks.
"Yes. There's a path......and some stairs. And then......a tunnel." Gollum replies. Frodo and Sam watch the gates close. Gollum is still holding onto Frodo's cloak, stroking it
"He's led us this far, Sam." Frodo whispers to Sam.
"Mr. Frodo, no." Sam urged.
"He's been true to his word." Frodo explains.
"No." Sam whispers urging Frodo not to let Gollum come the rest of the way.
"Lead the way, Smeagol." Frodo sighed.
"Good Smeagol always helps." Gollum smiles as he leads the way. Frodo follows Gollum and Sam stares in disbelief.

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