Chapter 1

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"Can you do it?" asked Violet

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"Can you do it?" asked Violet.

Without Virginia? Marianne doesn't know whether that part of the question comes from her or Violet but she simply nods after giving the project some thought. Business has been slow and she tells herself that any job is a good job so long as she can keep the roof over her head and delicious food on her plate. Almost any job.

"Great!" She says it almost too eagerly and Marianne's stomach clenches. "I'll forward all the details to you and--"

Marianne cuts her off before she can be dismissed. "They know they can't be in the house while I'm there and that there can't be any sort of surveillance while I work?"

She's not looking at Violet on the other side of the table but she can hear the placating smile in her words. "Yes, it's all in the contract. They're very keen on your work so I'm sure they'll agree to any other terms, should you think of them." At that, Marianne began to rise from the table. "There was one other thing."

Marianne froze mid-rise and upon sensing Violet's apprehension, sat back down stiffly.

"It's Lily." Marianne let out the breath she had unknowingly held. "She's going to be starting at St. Joan's in August," Violet began, "and as you know, my sister has-- had been tutoring her to prepare her for the kind of curriculum she'll be facing in high school." Her interest was dwindling as Violet skirted around the point. "I thought with you here and with work the way it's been...".

Oh no. Violet, having no magic of her own, was at the mercy of her sister's assistance in educating her daughter in witchcraft, but with Virginia gone... who better than your resident freeloading witch?

"You could do it."

"Umm... have you discussed this with Lily?"

"I'm sure she'll be happy getting a leg up on her peers before the school year starts."

I'm sure that's the last thing she wants to spend her summer on. "I'm not sure I'd be the best fit. I mean, I'm sure she'd prefer someone who had classical training. I have no idea what they teach the girls at St. Joan's."

"Seeing as their top graduate of that and many generations was your mentor for years, I think you do know a lot about what they teach the girls at St. Joan's."

Shit. Marianne curved her lips into a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "Well, if you're that confident in my having more influence over young Lily's formative years, then I would be honored to be her tutor." She was certain reverse-psychology would not work on Violet but could not help the little jab.

"Lovely, I'm sure even my sister would be happy to know her niece is in such capable hands."

After sitting quietly long enough to be sure there was no 'Thanks' coming, Marianne got up and walked over to the sliding door, but was distracted from opening it.

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