Chapter 28

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"A toast," said Violet, raising her wine glass. "To my dear sister, Virginia. This place isn't the same without you."

Virginia finished what was left in her wine glass and grabbed the bottle to pour herself another as she said, "Thanks. Happy to be back."

Violet had insisted Virginia sit at the head of the table, which was typically her seat when they dined together like this. Marianne wondered if she sat there when it was just her and Lily as well. "I hope you all saved room for dessert because I made banana pudding," she said enthusiastically.

"Yum," said Lily into the void.

Marianne was too busy avoiding eye contact with Virginia to pay any mind to the awkward silence that sat undisturbed between them.

"I'll bet you're excited to have your aunt back for your lessons, Lily," said Violet.

Virginia snorted into her glass.

"Marianne and I are doing just fine," the girl asserted.

"Yes, of course, Marianne is a fine tutor, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind letting your aunt take over, now that she's back." Violet gave her a knowing smile.

"I said--" began the girl.

"We've actually been making some progress," interrupted Marianne. "Have you shown your mom your latest spell?" She gave Lily a pointed look and mouthed, be cool.

Violet took the bait. "Lily! See, I knew you could do it if you just applied yourself. It's in your blood."

"Whose blood?" Virginia giggled. "Not yours." She pointed her glass at Violet, wine sloshing just slightly over the edge, leaving little drips on the tablecloth and Virginia's fingers. "Oops." She lapped at her fingers, smirking at Marianne. Violet's eyes were wide on her sister.

"Thanks for dinner, I should get going." Marianne was pushing her chair back to get up. "There's this get well present I'm working on for Miller."

"Which one?" The smirk was still planted on Virginia's face.

"The one who got hit by a car fighting for the rights of people like you and me." Marianne hoped in vain this would be enough to shut her up. She rose from her seat.

"Why make him anything when you can just have sex with him in our bed?"

"Virginia!" Violet's voice was sharp.

"What?" she spat. "Isn't this why you told me? Why you invited her to dinner? So we would fight?"

"You don't want her here?" Violet's volume rose with each word. "You tell her. You're a grown woman and you make your own decisions, right? You're the one that decided to bring a total stranger into this family in the first place."

"I'm the one?" Virginia's question had been dipped in ice. "Anyway, we haven't even talked about the reason Marianne dutifully went to bring me back. Did you know your daughter has been communing with Satan?"

"What?" asked Violet.

"At least that's what people are going to say when they find out about it. Isn't that right, Marianne? I'm sure she can fill you in on the details. Don't push her too hard though or you might end up on the receiving end of a lightning bolt."

Lily's worried eyes were darting between the two of them.

Marianne was rooted to the spot. Even if Virginia did send her away forever, she feared she would always be right here, reliving her humiliation for eternity. Her life so painfully out of her control.

"Lily, go to your room." It was like déjà vu. Lily's pale little face, full of uncertainty. Only this time, the enraged witch in the room was Virginia and she was capable of putting a lot more than a crack in one of the walls. Just as before, the girl didn't move at her mother's command.

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