Chapter 26

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Virginia was skittish most of the way home. At the airport, Marianne had asked, "So what's the plan?"

But all she said in return was, "Let's not talk about it here."

It was only when they made the final approach to the house that she seemed to have relaxed into her usual infectious serenity. Marianne couldn't help feeling the relief of coming back up the driveway with the only person who could make this place welcoming to her. It was like she was coming back home after a long time as well, from an alternate dimension where she'd somehow come to live there on her own.

"Welcome home," said their driver as they pulled up to the house.

"Good to be back," admitted Marianne with sudden glee.

Virginia stood in front of the door, keys in hand, unmoving.

Marianne rang the doorbell. "Let's surprise them."

Violet answered, looking flushed as Lily ran up behind her. She gave her sister a fierce hug as Marianne skirted around them through the doorway. Lily grabbed her by the elbow as soon as she was through and pulled her all the way into the kitchen.

"Did you tell her?" she asked in a stage whisper as soon as they were alone.

"Of course I did."

"And she just believed you?"

The video helped. "Yes."

"What did she say?"

"She said she'd come back to help."

"Help how?"

"I don't know," admitted Marianne. "I didn't ask her to provide me with a PowerPoint presentation. Don't worry, she has a degree in applied witchcraft from one of the best schools in the world."

"So? We have google."

"If Google is so helpful, why do you need me?"

"Maybe I don't." Lily crossed her arms petulantly.

"Look Lily, you don't have to worry so much about this anymore. We're going to figure this thing out together."

"So you are back together," said Lily disdainfully. Marianne thought back to last night and her face heated. "You tell her about not-Miller yet?" If possible, Marianne was sure she had gone a deeper shade of red. "Nice."

"Spare me. I'm going to tell her about it, I just thought getting her home should be the priority."

"I don't know."

"What's wrong?"

"I did that thing you were talking about before. I went running with this," Lily held up the crystal pendant Marianne had made her, "and had another vision after you left. This time you were there too with my dad and aunt Vee and so was my mom."


"So why would we all be in the same room together? My dad is dead."

Marianne could not deny she'd had the same idea after Lily's last vision but Virginia was alive and relatively well. "Okay, I think you're taking this all way too literally. And this is perfect because now we can ask Vee, right?"

The girl scoffed. "Yesterday you could barely say her name and now she's 'Vee' again? I have a bad feeling about this, Mer."

"Here you two are," said Violet, entering the kitchen with Virginia in tow. Her eyes were a little red and puffy along the edges as though she had just hastily rubbed away tears in sharp contrast to the broad smile she wore. "Lily, you haven't even greeted your aunt."

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