Chapter 11

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Marianne gathered every part of herself that ached when she woke up that morning and put it all into the massive bed she was making for this child. Surprising herself, Nathan, and Lily, she had even finished it ahead of schedule. The frame looked so much like ice that she asked Nathan to touch it and make sure it wasn't cold.

"This is truly fit for a princess," said Nathan as he examined it closely, running his hand over the ice columns that flanked the mattress in awe.

Marianne grinned smugly as she took some photos on her phone to send Violet. "Thanks."

"Can you send me some of those pictures?" he asked.

"You want to show them to people?" Marianne did not know what to make of this.

"That is what pictures are for."

"You've been sworn to secrecy, remember?" By that inquiry, Lily sure seemed to. "You'll have to make your own princess bed to show off to your frat boy friends," she suggested as she maintained her visual focus exclusively on her phone.

"There aren't any frats at culinary school," he corrected mildly.

"Remind me not to go there," responded Lily from where she was lying on the carpet, tapping away at her phone in between her endless scrolling.

"I'm confused, are you for or against fraternities?" asked Marianne.

"Fuck the fratriarchy."

"Lily!" warned Marianne as Nathan snickered.

The girl languidly turned her face toward Marianne. "Don't box me in. I can be pro sick parties and anti female oppression."

"Okay, anyone who says 'sick parties' has clearly never been to one but I do agree with--" began Marianne.

"The part about fucking them," she interrupted.

Nathan sputtered out a laugh but Marianne resisted. "That's it. Go hang out by the pool until we're done in here."

"What? How come he gets to stay? He doesn't even do anything," she complained.

"And I hope it stays that way. Seeing as he's literally here to help keep us safe."

"Well what's your boss gonna say when I tell her about how you denied me a learning opportunity?" asked Lily, all sweetness now.

"You can ask her when I'm done telling her your thoughts on fraternities," she countered.

Lily stared at her a moment before she grabbed her bag and made for the door, holding up one finger to them as she exited.

"Right," she said sheepishly after the girl had gone, "Where was I?"

"I was about to turn into dust by sending a picture of the world's coolest bed to my brother."

Marianne gave a short laugh. "Not to worry, I think the curse only applies if you post the pictures on social media."

She turned her attention back to the bed. She was proud of the piece but there was only one person she thought would truly appreciate it. It was made using the toy castle, transforming the cheap plastic material into the ice facade and reshaping its dimensions so it would fit a queen-sized mattress as its base tier and a little reading nook lined with shelves desperately in need of books as the second, complete with a cozy armchair made to look like a throne. Before her throne, the little girl could survey her kingdom at the banister or put on little concerts or plays for her family and friends. There was a beautifully ornate staircase on the left side to go up to the loft and a slide on the right to come down.

"I have a question," said Nathan. "You made me carry all these tools and you're not using any of them."

"That's not a question."



"From me?"

"From everyone," she admitted. "What do you think Johnson would've said if he decided to look around his own house and found no tools?"

"That you used magic?"

"We don't just make things out of thin air, you know. I use tools and materials in this trade like everyone else, they're just not the things you might expect and I'd prefer for him to be as disinterested as possible in what I do here while I'm still at it."

"Hmm... Is it bad that I'm 98% sure this kid definitely doesn't deserve a room this nice?" He was talking an awful lot today.

"I don't know about 'deserve'. She's a kid with a rich dad, so she gets rich dad things like her own castle, complete with slide." Nathan appeared to be examining her rather than the bed now, rakishly leaning against the frame with that damned half-smile. She felt like a snake, trapped in too tight skin, itching to shed. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Didn't expect you to side with the princess."

"Because I'm a peasant?" Because I'm a witch? Because I'm an orphan? "Should I have prepared a political uprising instead?" Or a poisoned apple? She held her hand to her mouth in mock embarrassment at the faux pas.

He chuckled. "Maybe a guillotine would look good on that wall. Or could you make the walls bleed? I think we can still salvage this. I've got a blood guy."

Now they were both laughing. "Normally I'm all for rebellion but there is no way I'm going to let you spoil my carefully curated design aesthetic with blood spatter."

"I have a better idea."

Marianne brought both hands to her heart with a little gasp. "It better not be a newsstand for seditious pamphlets against her royal highness."

"Better. These two peasants are going to be the first to ride that slide."

Marianne's eyes went wide at the absurdity of it all but she wore a wide smile as well and managed a wobbly curtsy, "After you, my lord."

He bowed. "My lady. I think in the spirit of rebellion and true equality and freedom for all..." he paused for effect and Marianne waited, breathless as he leaned in conspiratorially, "We should do it together."

She gasped loudly as if this was the most scandalous idea yet. "I'm surprised you trust the slide to support our combined weight."

"I trust you," he threw back over his shoulder at her as he climbed up the slide rather than take the stairs on the opposite side. He sat at the top and held out a hand to Marianne, managing to look every bit the prince. She took it and he helped pull her up, making space for her to sit between his knees, her back flush against his chest as he counted down, "Three, two--!"

And in a flash they had gone down, Marianne giggling as her feet reached the carpet. Nathan's arms around her waist to keep her from falling forward. She was trying to breathe between the giggles, dabbing away at the corners of her eyes.

Nathan was laughing as well. "Again?"



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