Chapter 7

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Marianne was wearing her headphones and lying back on the rug when Nathan arrived. Early again. She could tell he was hovering outside her door and before he had knocked, she grabbed her backpack and opened the door. He had his fist up, poised to knock and if he was surprised by her sudden appearance, he did not show it. It unnerved Marianne and she decided she would not be the first to speak today.


"Shall we go?" Two of the crows were perched on the railing and she took the opportunity to toss them some feed from the bin she kept next to the door, nuzzling one's feathers casually before walking past Nathan to take the stairs.

"So you still prefer crows to people," he said.

"Who wouldn't?" She addressed the large feathered beasts in honeyed tones, "Be back soon, darlings," and gave a little wave.

Despite people's general focus on her when she entered the vicinity, all eyes inevitably landed and stayed on the birds' lustrous feathers that appeared to simultaneously absorb and reflect the light around them. They served two very important purposes to Marianne, the kind of companionship you can only get from animals and the intimidation you can only inflict from their ominous eyes and generally untamable nature.

Miller had asked if she could talk to them and she had laughed. Marianne talked to them plenty, the way she knew people talked to their pets, with much the same result. It was easier to let people believe they were her familiars and would do her bidding if called upon, but in reality, apart from the odd little gifts they brought her, theirs was a language she could never understand.

They walked to the truck, still containing the spoils from Marianne's thrift haul to obtain materials. Nathan glanced at the truck bed but said nothing in regard to its contents.

"So what's the plan for today?"

Marianne flinched at the sound of Lily's voice and quickly regained her composure and a scowl at having forgotten. "The plan is I work while you laze about." She made a curt, "Nathan, Lily. Lily, Nathan," introduction.

"You're Miller's brother?" she asked, looking him up and down.

"Uh yeah. Well, technically I'm Miller too. That's our last name," explained Nathan.

"So other Miller, then?"

"No need to be such a little butthole," Marianne warned.

"I prefer Nathan or Nate," he said politely. "He can have Miller."

Nathan opened the front passenger side door for Lily who rather than looking charmed, looked haughtier than ever taking her seat, but spared them any attempts at idle conversation as she put on her headphones and sunglasses.

"I want to get everything inside first and then I'll get to work arranging everything," instructed Marianne when they were on their way.

"Okay..." Nathan contemplated this.

"Were you expecting something else?"

"I can't say I know enough about all this to have any concrete expectations. I'm fine with following your lead."

Marianne had been ignoring the sinking feeling she got when she noticed immediately upon seeing him that he had a bag with him but it was already drawing her attention from the road more than she preferred. Miller knew they were together so it couldn't be anything too murdery, but she could contain her curiosity no longer. "What's in the bag?" She was determined not to look from the road this time and thought she could hear a smile in his voice when he spoke.

"It's a surprise for later."

"Then this feels as good a time as any to establish some ground rules," said Marianne. "Number 1, no surprises."

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