Chapter 22

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Miller was lying back in a recliner watching TV when they arrived. "Mer- bear! And you brought the string bean!"

Lily had somehow managed to invite herself along and ran over to the recliner, arms out as though she meant to leap at him but came up short. She'd worn a dress, black of course with a large white floral print.

"Now now, we'll have to stick with a high-five," he said, holding his hand up.

She gave it a shy slap. "Does it hurt?"

"Only when I move or breathe," he said to her, and turning to Marianne, "Doctor says I'll be fine in no time."

Marianne opened her mouth to speak, "I'm..." sorry? Glad you're okay? The word just hung there, unaccompanied until Nathan came in. She swallowed her unsaid words and gave him a feeble smile.

"Perfect timing," said Miller, beaming at him.

"Ah, let me guess. You're hungry."

"My brother the mind reader." He addressed Lily, "Did you know Nate's a chef?"

"I'm not," countered Nathan.

"What do you call it then when you graduate from culinary school?"

"Graduating from culinary school," said Nathan, straight-faced.

"Well, that was enlightening. Lily, now that my own brother has outlined why I shouldn't trust him completely in the kitchen, will you go grab us some snacks and drinks? I'd send Mer but you've probably had to eat her cooking before." Lily's head nodded giddily up and down, happy to agree with Miller even though Marianne was 100% sure neither of them had ever tried her cooking. "Nate, why don't you go show her where everything is?"

With that, it was just the two of them.

"Are you okay?" asked Miller.

"I should be asking you that."

He patted the arm of the recliner. Marianne walked over and sat down on it, wiping her damp eyes with the back of her wrist. Miller took her free hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm okay. Doctor said it was a miracle I wasn't more seriously hurt but I think they just say that to all the incredibly handsome young men."

She nodded, forcing a tense smile, and put her arm around his shoulders, hugging his head to her cheek and stroking his hair, planting a kiss on the top of his head. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too." He rested his head on her shoulder. "Hey, at least now I'll think twice before trying to surprise you again."

Marianne laughed, "Yeah, next time it better be a puppy or something."

"Is a lifetime commitment your idea of a good surprise?" He poked her side and she giggled.

"Well, I'm not sure what else could top your last one."

"Maybe next time I can rope you into playing piñata with a hornet's nest instead." They laughed until Miller had to wipe tears away that kept coming until he wasn't laughing anymore. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. "It's okay."

He shook his head against her. "I just wanted to show you you're not alone."

"I know."

"And then that fucking guy."

"I know." She tipped his chin back so he was looking into her eyes, "but he's just one guy that sucks, right?" Marianne knew now why people said things like that to her. They wanted to believe it. "And bonus, he was literally struck down by lightning. If that's not divine intervention, I don't know what is. Maybe the next faith-supremacist-neo-crusader-dickhead will think of that before he tries to drive his car into a crowd."

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