Chapter VII: The Imperial Capital (Part III)

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April 28th 20XX, Kopassus Outpost. Three days later.

Iqbal yet again sat motionless in the guest room of the Outpost. He is fighting an enemy more lethal than Jietai or any Spec-Ops forces in the world, and it was his long-time nemesis, Boredom.

Iqbal's 1st Unit have finished their assignment to observe the Jietai yesterday, and now he and his unit have nothing to do but to hold their position in the outpost. While the rest of the 1st Platoon is having fun, doing their mission, and whatnot. He is stuck there, with nothing to do.

The 3rd Unit was mobilized quickly after they got an order from the Kostrad, they are ordered to make distractions for the 2nd Unit to finish their job. As a Unit that has completed its mission, the 1st Unit is ordered to stay put and hold its position on the outpost. Which certainly makes a certain fellow, bored to death.

*groan*, I'm going to die of boredom if this keeps on. Iqbal thought to himself, as he then began to yawn.

Goddammit, I'm bored as hell I'm beginning to yawn. He thought to himself again.

Attempting to overcome his boredom, Iqbal stood up from his seat. He walks towards the kitchen, as he began to make something for him to drink when he arrives.

This is all in the name of defeating his long nemesis, with the hope of a drink that will be able to vanquish his most lethal enemy. Iqbal went back with the drink in his hand, as he puts down the drink gently on the table as he sat down on the bench.

The fighting of him against his boredom continues, with no clear victory in sight. The boredom is currently smacking him hard against the table in his mind, as he struggles to fight the boredom with all his might.

Iqbal struggles to keep his wits sharp, not letting boredom ant chance of winning. In his subconscious fight against boredom, Iqbal putting up all his might to vanquish his nemesis. Until a savior arrives.

Supriyadi came back with his men behind his back, came back exhausted both body and soul. This was a relief for Iqbal as the boredom began to dissolve and vanquished immediately, but it appears that they are too tired to do anything. Supriyadi drags his tired legs, as he just dives himself on the bench where Iqbal sat.

"Yo, what the fuck happened to you?" Asked Iqbal concerned. Iqbal taps Supriyadi shoulder as he asks, only being responded with a tired smile from him.

"Okay... I take it that everything goes well?" Iqbal asked.

The man gestures his hand towards the cup of drink belonging to Iqbal, gesturing that he wanted to drink. Iqbal understood him as he grabs the drink, and gave Supriyadi his drink. Supriyadi grabs the drink, as he gulped hastily. He gulped down the drink, until the very last drop.

Knowing his drink just gone in an instant, Iqbal reacted nothing about it. He already knew that Supriyadi would finish his drink, he was known as the "trashcan" of the Company. If you didn't finish your food or drinks, Supriyadi will finish it for you. After Supriyadi puts back the cup, he began to speak.

"Thanks for the drink. It's quite a day." Said Supriyadi.

"Really, what did you do today?" Asked Iqbal, as his interest has been piqued.

"Not much, but is quite tiring. We only threaten and terrorize some thugs, although stalking them around is tiring." He answered Iqbal's question.

"We also encountered some Jietai on the mission, though they didn't pay much attention to us. We managed to complete our objective for today, as tonight will be quite tougher" Supriyadi added.

"What did you do for tonight? Anything exciting?" Iqbal asked him.

"Well, not that exciting. We're ordered to raid one of the Crime Families' property here, as we blame it on another Crime Family. Let's just hope that the raid turns out successfully and hopefully it'll make the relationship of the remaining two families goes tense. Anyway, any news from Gajah Mada?" Said Supriyadi as he asked Iqbal a question

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